Example sentences of "know and have [be] " in BNC.

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1 These are well known and have been described elsewhere ( Lam 1983 ; Wagner 1989 ) .
2 The relationships between coalification and oil and gas formation are well known and have been described by M. Teichmüller ( 1971 ) , Bartenstein and R. Teichmüller ( 1974 ) , Tissot and Welte ( 1978 ) , Hunt ( 1979 ) , Héroux et al. ( 1979 ) and M. Teichmüller ( 1982 ) .
3 For example , I have not tried to find forty or so drawings which belonged to him — and which will , therefore , not be illustrated in my book — because they are already well known and have been published elsewhere .
4 The demands made upon England , in money and manpower , for the defence of the Angevin inheritance are well known and have been intensively studied .
5 The effect upon the family of extra-familial sexual activity on the part of a parent are too widely known and have been too much discussed to need much elaboration here .
6 Numerous archaeological sites are already known and have been recorded ( although often not investigated in any detail ) , so the first task is to find out what these sites are .
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