Example sentences of "time but [pers pn] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Deficits in visual function following subcortical visual system lesions have been reported many times but it is difficult to interpret them .
2 That is , it had a similar status to the Banbury lane in medieval times but it is one which it has kept and developed in response to changing circumstances , whereas the Banbury Lane has failed .
3 It was certainly used in medieval times but it is doubtful if it is prehistoric , even though traces of Bronze Age and Iron Age fields lie on either side of it .
4 I do n't pretend to understand the man 's mind half the time but he 's never short of a story . ’
5 Intercity gives them a very good image if your journey was on time but it 's definitely there as a a positive thing .
6 You do that all the time but it 's remembering to actually
7 It 's a bit higher than it was last time but it 's still well within the normal range , now just How far can you walk before you get short of breath , would you say ?
8 It lacks the personal touch it lacks the personal touch which is why you never send your people letters saying you 're fired or you know lost a job you always talk to them and it can be more expensive in terms of materials you use it 's it is very very expensive on mat materials and cheap on time but it 's a personal relationships that 's the first thing okay that 'll do so when do we use it ?
9 No , not all the time but it 's just that you know I 'm talking
10 Oh right , there is n't any more but apparently it 's within walking distance , so what we were doing we was all walk over there together in the lunch time so , that 's alright really lunch time but it 's erm
11 Yeah I , I do n't think he 's making it that , that much worse than it is , I think it is still quite bad at this point in time but it 's you know , since revolution yes the landlords still hold
12 Many users can be active at a given time but it is an assumption at present that each user holds a single current record position at any given time .
13 This back-dating of the appointment was not of significance at the time but it is an early example of how masters in Stockport could come and go without the immediate supervision of the Company .
14 Quite the contrary , degrees of review may have differed over time but it is indisputable that the judiciary accepted that non-jurisdictional errors of law could exist .
15 That managed competition may increase in time but it is stretching credibility a long way to suggest that a company that accounts for more than 96 per cent .
16 I hope I will , that we will have support in it on this issue and I do n't want to take up all the time but it is something that members do approach me in , and and others on the members ' services sub and I hope we have time Chairman to er give this report some consideration and let's say it 's a v , it 's a very important if you Chairman want any additionals to the recommendations , or if you say we 're going too far in the recommendations because those recommendations you have down in front of you will be forwarded on and you 're officers and your your your policies and resources they 've given some time on on this report and therefore on the bottom of page thirty one the motion to be moved says that the comments of the policy and resources committee and the recommendations of the joint working party and the internal management of the local authorities be noted for submission to the Association of County Councils as appropriate .
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