Example sentences of "time he be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Riven , remembering the Rime Giant 's attempt on his life in Ralarth Rorim , could not help but wonder how many more times he was to be the focus of a battle .
2 He has a lot to learn , but something happens every time he 's on the ball .
3 . And all the time he 's on the ground floor .
4 He 's starting to realise that by the time he 's in a position to do anything that he wants , there 'll be nothing that he really wants to do .
5 So we called round but could n't find a record company , although by this time he was with RCA .
6 For anyone who still needs convincing that Craig is first and foremost a guitarist he quotes an incident that happened when the Y-Fronts got back together for a gig in Melbourne , during the time he was with Neighbours .
7 She hated to think of his sister lying in hospital waiting for her husband to come to her while all the time he was with Dana .
8 Two of them ( the men , I mean ) became quite fond of John during the short time he was with them , and expressed much regret at his leaving , begging him to come again and to bring his gin , meaning his wife , with him . ’
9 Most of the time he was on the ramp the crowd was screamin' !
10 At one time he was on 25 committees , over and above those within the University , and was chairman of many of these .
11 All the time he was on stage , it was difficult for audiences to think of him as other than the ‘ Carry On ’ character or the voice they knew on the radio or now on television .
12 Luke Calder would be a bad man to cross , and suddenly she was glad that this time he was on her side and not the opposition 's .
13 Collins was in his fifth final , having appeared twice each for Cardiff and Newport , and for the fourth time he was on the winning side .
14 Cos the first time he was on Thursday last week .
15 The last time he was at the Phoenix , in Simon Gray 's The Common Pursuit , John Sessions was lost in a soggy , unsympathetic part , while co-stars like Rik Mayall and Stephen Fry hogged all the limelight ; he seemed a non-entity .
16 This morning was the first time he was to be given a serious piece of work before running later in the week .
17 The organisation of the celebrations on such a large scale was a major success for Pateman and although he could not have known it at the time he was in the final few months of his long and difficult years of service to the District and the WEA .
18 Minnelli had seen Jack while studying the film Psych-Out for some lighting effects at about the time he was in the pre-production stage .
19 She came over to him , by which time he was in too much of a haze even to recognize her .
20 That had been old Ian Paisley last time he was in the old country , but he had popped his clogs of apoplexy while explaining the Fall of Port Stanley to Robin Day on Nationwide and it was that upstart Jeffrey Archer now .
21 Ask him if he hired a car last time he was in Florence ! ’
22 She told Sam it was time he was in bed , but without conviction .
23 One particular time he was in the arcade
24 And Jimmy knew that this time he was in serious trouble .
25 As the sermon wore on and he became more and more excited , he began to jump from one side , first to the middle and , by the time he was in full verbal flight , he managed to leap the entire length of the pulpit .
26 Mr in there , actually last time he was in a while .
27 All the time he was in business he was improving the design of his optical instruments , and he was one of the first to make inexpensive achromatic microscopes .
28 ‘ By the time he was in his mid-twenties and he still had n't learnt to drive , he was afraid he 'd fail the test .
29 Well , the last time he was in , he actually went to a group of people who were determined to make their decision , were determined what their decision was .
30 ‘ Throughout the time he was in custody , he remained silent , ’ Mr Walker told Darlington magistrates .
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