Example sentences of "time i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well that 's what I 've been saying to dad as well , I said the times I said we 've had cheques come back !
2 so we started called her lip , but that happened before I got there so , as I got there it just like , as I joined got in with the regulars it started to peter out a bit , but I got fooled with a couple of times I thought they were taking the piss , alright Lynn how you doing , you know , still .
3 I could n't tell you how , but it I , cos you 'd , I do n't want nothing , but when I did , I 'd got ta use my ingenuity to get something that I could get one or two or a dozen or ten off , you know what I mean , and I got ta make it and a lot of times I made it out of wood which was easily er you know treated .
4 She was continuously moulting as she grew her feathers , and however many times I hoovered I could never get it all .
5 I know times I get it , like maybe just at one side , if I 've been sitting in a hard seat
6 Last time er it was er free distribution , so they needed someone to , workers for that and Sikh temple offered their services and er , I think they did the job very well because mostly we get a lot of volunteers round and er , many times I went their there was quite a big queue , er five or six people were serving at the same time .
7 On occasions I also added acrylic medium to the Quink to prevent any unnecessary bleeding of the line , although at times I enjoyed its non-waterproof qualities and allowed the ink to run .
8 Several times I saw him look to see how many pages more he had to read .
9 Perhaps it was just the times I saw him in the Div II Championship year and the season after that .
10 The awful , abrupt finality of a man pitching forward , so easily , so arbitrarily terminated — the convenience of it to the killer : they were things to which I could never become habituated , however many times I saw it .
11 ‘ One of the last times I saw my mother , I was borrowing money off her .
12 At times I felt I was just a kind of palimpsest , or a blackboard that could always be wiped clean to make room for his own work .
13 We have had our ups and downs , but I have a very great regard for the organization and great affection for the head of the Accident Investigation and prevention Section , Olof Fritsch , who , notwithstanding all the times I twisted his tail , remains for me one of the great professionals totally devoted to improving safety in the air , and a true friend .
14 ‘ Twenty times I tell you . ’
15 In the later stages of Metaltronix I had a guy work for me who had a tube engineering degree , but that kind of knowledge still does n't teach you about designing — the times I asked him to design certain circuits and he 'd just stare at me !
16 I wo n't the amount of times I 've I 've been in a car or something , where fucking jump on the brakes !
17 At times I enjoy my plainness ; it is young and puerile to me in the bathroom mirror , the mirror that steams from my bath .
18 At times I reckoned we were lucky to get three .
19 ‘ I have done so much with Middlesbrough that at times I think it might be nice to go elsewhere and start afresh .
20 Yeah , well I 've only got the one I 've only got the one erm golly how long have I had that yellow must have had it four years or more I 've only worn it about three times I think it 's erm a telly mac and it 's a yellow one erm and it is a bit longer so all these go underneath it , quite well
21 They 've got most most times I think you 'll have to be unemployed for six months .
22 " She does n't say so , but at times I think she expects me to although she knows I ca n't .
23 Other times I see him sort of shuffling , as if the world had finally got to him .
24 Every time I lifted it to aim it at a target living or not — this moment would be at the back of my mind .
25 The car faded every time I lifted my foot .
26 I 'm not eating it quickly at all , it 's just catching a filling every time I eat it .
27 Maybe next time I bring her some oranges from the best side of the orchard — very sweet , and will do her lot of good .
28 The last time I cut my hair my father beat me up very badly , and threw his weightlifting equipment at me .
29 It never struck me that every time I cut my finger and the cut heals , something other than a piece of Elastoplast has rushed to the rescue .
30 Yeah , and there was the last time I cut it I remember .
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