Example sentences of "time i 've been " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Funny I 've never seen it before , the times I 've been in your Gran 's house , ’ he said .
2 In all the times I 've been down here , I have never heard that sound before .
3 Look at the times I 've been refused for the forces .
4 This morning John Smith says he is saddened by John 's remarks , he thinks it will give some material to John Major , I 've got news for him , many times I 've been saddened when he 's said nowt to John Major when all the clangers he 's dropped .
5 Yeah , you know two times I 've been , and me eyes are going right mad .
6 he wo n't let them talk , it 's disgusting , I tell ya , you know , no end of times I 've been in there and it 's obvious we 're waiting for chips
7 the times I 've been done down in my life it 's been mainly by the white people !
8 People I have worked with I 've identified as having problems that I can see some sort solution to in terms , for instance , of hospital treatment erm at times I 've been unable to erm to do that because the Act is very difficult to work round erm and in retrospect I 'm very
9 But to tell the truth , for a long time I 've been slightly lost as a dealer .
10 ‘ Yes , although this is n't the first time I 've been here .
11 I 've hated it more every time I 've been back .
12 Many 's the time I 've been about to introduce the top of the bill , when from behind the curtain the urgent whisper , ‘ He 's pissed — fill in while we sober him up , ’ has stopped me in my tracks and left me out there telling gags for an hour or more while the star is force-fed black coffee .
13 Many 's the time I 've been with people whose eyes glazed over when I 've said I was a feminist and I 've done the same with people who say they love to play golf .
14 ‘ The reason I do n't have a band is that for the longest time I 've been disgusted with the mode that the American independent scene operates in and I do n't want to be associated with that .
15 I have to say this is the first time I 've been in this position since I took over . ’
16 ‘ It 's the first time I 've been here .
17 Every other time I 've been in somebody 's flat like this I 've known where I am by the books . ’
18 We 've spent twenty-four hours together and in that time I 've been bitten by bugs in a hooker 's bed , tied up a guy with no legs and stolen his wheelchair , stayed cooped up in a train for twelve hours with an attractive man and behaved like a virgin .
19 Well this is the first time I 've been
20 ‘ This is the first time I 've been down here since God knows when .
21 And then erm I was at home for a while , and then I was living with friends in Birmingham , and in , in between time I 've been to Leeds and London .
22 ‘ It will be the third time I 've been measured for a blazer — but I missed out on the last two ( matches ) , ’ Lane added .
23 Before you get too political you must remember the only time I 've been actively political was for an independent candidate .
24 It 's the first time I 've been to a game of footie in a Porsche , and it will probably be the last , but it was fun , and added to the enjoyment of another thoroughly enjoyable day out Leeds watching .
25 The only time I 've been quite as pissed off was when we sold Jordan & McQueen .
26 Er , certainly in the last well , all the time I 've been involved in developing these schemes , twenty seven twenty eight years now , we 've had a gradual increase over the years of involvement in the public , with the public and we 've been criticized where we have n't done so .
27 I 'm very much aware I 've not been saying my name each time I 've been speaking but probably too late now .
28 Have you two been at logger-heads all the time I 've been away ? ’
29 ‘ As this is the first time I 've been to Ca ’ del Leone , the answer must be no . ’
30 In seven years driving a cab this is the first time I 've been done for anything .
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