Example sentences of "time to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do this exercise three times to each side and increase after practice .
2 Repeat 5 times to each side , returning to the lying position between sides .
3 Then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 3 more times to each side .
4 Repeat to the other side , then repeat ‘ treble lifts ’ 4 more times to each side .
5 Repeat to the other side , then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 3 more times to each side .
6 Repeat 20 times , 10 times to each side .
7 Repeat to the other side , then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 4 more times to each side .
8 Repeat to the other side , then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 3 more times to each side .
9 Repeat to the other side , then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 4 more times to each side .
10 Repeat to the other side , then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 4 more times to each side .
11 Repeat to the other side then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 4 more times to each side .
12 Repeat to the other side , then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 4 more times to each side .
13 Repeat to the other side , then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 4 more times to each side .
14 Repeat to the other side , then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 5 more times to each side .
15 Repeat to the other side , then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 5 times to each side .
16 Repeat to the other side , then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 5 more times to each side .
17 Human awareness of this truth , he may have concluded , was passed on with just the same loose and haunting persistence as the rhythms and phrases of English poetry , surviving from Anglo-Saxon times to Middle English and ‘ The Man in the Moon ’ , and on again to Shakespeare and Milton and Yeats and nursery-rhyme , without intention as without a break .
18 It is tempting to imagine an exchange of information and assistance between gypsies and witches , both being subjected at times to severe persecution .
19 Any material which runs for half a minute or so is worth considering , and you can stretch these times to any length by repeat-recording them nose-to-tail for as many times as needed to make up the required length .
20 The main gains are a better staff-inmate ratio , and a greater focus on programmes for inmate recreation and on putting the prisoners ' time to better use , apart from compulsory work .
21 MOSCOW — Huge amounts of computerised information held in Soviet data bases are to be made available for the first time to Western research , it was agreed at a conference for Western and Eastern scientists here , writes Justin Arundale .
22 Time to first print is roughly 45 seconds and multi-copy printing pulls that up to the rated 6 pages per minute claimed for the unit .
23 That 's not at all bad , but expect time to first print to be longer for highly graphical subjects .
24 He argued that teenagers were wasting their opportunities at Dovercourt , keeping the futile hope alive that they would be adopted by rich families and lead a fine life , when they could have been using their time to constructive purpose .
25 And if you get an interview you are more likely to succeed if you can prove that you are a positive person who has made demonstrable efforts to counteract the ill-effects of being unemployed and have managed to put your time to constructive use .
26 Anne and Chris did n't want to return full time to stressful teaching jobs when their maternity leave ended , so together they sent in a joint application for a full-time position with a covering letter pointing out the benefits of job sharing , and the way they could organize their week and their timetable .
27 On such a hearing the court will be reluctant to devote time to technical argument and will concentrate on the balance of convenience .
28 The run used to be three miles but I added a quarter mile spur in order to use the time to best advantage .
29 Mike has been putting his time to good use organising charity western shoot outs for Bosnian aid .
30 Often , too , husband and wife have become so caught up in their work , their children or their respective outside interests that they devote less time to each other .
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