Example sentences of "time of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Could you tell me the times of the buses to Ibiza Town , please ? ’
2 The 1981 Regulations have been much amended and extended so that now each school must provide a School Prospectus containing a long list of prescribed information , including information about the curriculum , qualifications obtainable and careers education , and an Annual Report , including updates to the prospectus and dates and times of the school term .
3 We discussed the administration of the hospital , especially the shift times of the nurses , to allow Frank a few minutes alone with Salome .
4 Secondly , there is distortion introduced in the power amplifier following conversion since unavoidable rise and fall times of the output power stage introduce non-linearity if they are not equal which , in practice and for a number of reasons , they will not be .
5 Table 6 shows how the respective times of the farmer , his wife , and family , were divided between on-farm and off-farm occupations .
6 This is adequate to give a good reverberation effect , but the unit can not provide very long reverberation times of the type associated with spring-line reverberation units .
7 Facilities for homeless people are of course open only at certain times of the day and I had n't the money to go anywhere else .
8 ‘ Another thing is I work odd hours , which means I 'm up and about at funny times of the day .
9 What is needed is an active campaign to change the law to allow children , accompanied by a responsible adult , into a public house , or certain specified rooms within that public house , at specified times of the day , the rooms and times being agreed by the licensing justices following application from the licensee .
10 Experiments have been performed to investigate , at different times of the day and night , how easy it is to fall asleep , how likely it is to wake up spontaneously , and how long volunteers can stay asleep .
11 Related to these results is the question of how long we can stay asleep ( in a laboratory that is always equally quiet , dark , and warm ) at different times of the day .
12 However , if one shift performs better ( and ‘ better ’ might refer to the quality or quantity — or both — of product that is made ) is it because it consists of more conscientious workers ; their conditions of working are better , or they have less distraction ; they are supervised more closely and the conveyor belt moves faster ; or their body clock enables them to work better at some times of the day than others ?
13 The same workers are investigated at different times of the day .
14 With sufficient manipulation of the rota , it would be possible to arrange for the work-force to have been working for the same number of hours at different times of the day — condition ( 2 ) .
15 Particularly in countries where the diet is poor it might be of very considerable significance if the mother can make better milk at some times of the day .
16 More recently , however , it has been found that bright light at other times of the day — in the evening , which also mimics the light in summer-time , and at noon , which does not lengthen daylight hours — has an effect also .
17 And , at all times of the day , look forward to delicious healthy cuisine ( 8 ) .
18 There was a drowsiness and calm about the ward , which I guessed was not the case at all times of the day .
19 People sang or played musical instruments at all times of the day and night .
20 Two-thirds of the drinkers surveyed said the location of a pub was the main reason for visiting it and 32 per cent prefer a pub that serves food at most times of the day .
21 The Independent Television Commission does suggest that Channel 5 might offer local television to individual cities at certain times of the day , and that it might wish to base itself outside London , but only if it chooses .
22 This is where the forces of the earth are exposed with a dramatic clarity and where billion-year old rocks , deposited at a time when seas extended right across the valley give the stark harshness of the area a startling and a rare and sometimes unexpected beauty at different times of the day .
23 We will introduce a variety of road-pricing schemes , in which motorists pay a premium to use highly congested roads at busy times of the day .
24 It is very popular with the Milanese , and the seats around it are filled at most times of the day .
25 Back home , he dreamt , he filled the whole flat with buckets of earth , even filled soup dishes and the kettle and the wineglasses with soil , and spent hours watering them and moving them carefully around every day , carrying them from room to room so that they would be struck in turn by whatever sunshine came in through the different windows at different times of the day , making sure they were kept warm .
26 Rules , or canons , were also established for the recital of prayers at definite times of the day .
27 ‘ But the greatest evil of all , ’ he complained , ‘ resulted from the constant intermingling , without any restraint , of persons of both sexes and all ages , at all times of the day and at all hours of the night . ’
28 Ideas which can be developed into research projects can come to people at all times of the day or night and under all sorts of circumstances .
29 A young person has changing moods and changing needs — not merely at different stages of development but at different times of the day .
30 The importance of certain times of the day , month or year suggests that the energy fluctuates according to cosmic cycles , and the rituals followed this .
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