Example sentences of "know [adv] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I myself feel that the cat and the dog who live in the same house with me are fellow members of my family circle , closer related to me socially than the human neighbour next door whom I know only by sight and name , and infinitely closer than some odd Brazilian or Melanesian , with whom my only connection is that we are fellow men .
2 Eric of Mallion , which forms a connection between those early pathfinders and the dogs we know better by virtue of their being crowned as champions .
3 He was aware of things which she had known only by hearsay to exist , and he possessed sophistications which were most unusual in one of his age .
4 There was a seventeenth-century ballad now known only by tradition as the name of a tune called " Hang care the parish is bound to save us " .
5 Brunner was as insistent as Barth that God is known only by revelation , and that that revelation is Jesus Christ himself .
6 Some of the Scourie trout , released into small lochs as tiny fish , have grown to enormous size and are known affectionately by name : Ethel , stocked by Stan Tuer when she was a modest girl of five inches , now estimated to weigh at least 5lb ; Arthur , estimated to weigh 6lb .
7 Nathan leaned forwards , stared at scenery that , even in the dark , he knew off by heart and could recite .
8 I mean , why would anybody cover a Monkees song that everybody in the world f—ing knows off by heart and not do a damn thing with it ?
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