Example sentences of "know [pron] can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 You go over the bridge and then you turn and then if you 're coming here , you go turn right again into umm d' you know I can never remember the name of the road , another road anyway you turn right .
2 That would have been rather But I come out here but I can not see you know you can just just get them I seen some in that
3 If er if there 's owt else you want to know you can always come in come in or I 'll come and see you either way .
4 I know I can always do something to earn a living .
5 you know I can always go back there as well .
6 I know I can still be a good asset to any club . ’
7 If I get recognised it means the group are doing summat , but you know I can quite happily get through the day without getting recognised … ’
8 If I get recognised it means the group are doing summat , but you know I can quite happily get through the day without getting recognised … ’
9 You know you can just flash it ?
10 You know you can just say D five one four .
11 It 's a joke you know an awl is a sort of erm instrument thing you know you can just give that .
12 You know you can easily spend three hundred pounds er doing that .
13 Guilt is the prime means that the superego has to punish the ego and er as says , guilt , you can be made to feel guilty by external agencies , by other people , but we also know you can also be made to feel guilty by yourself .
14 I know you can hardly be expected to adopt all your expressions erm but you should n't be too technical in you know .
15 We all assumed that because of the , yeah the media pressure , at least talks would start , but I think possibly the management thought that because of this one-sided pressure , you know it seemed at the time that nothing nice was being said about the management , you know you can almost understand them being reluctant to go into a room and offering their side of the argument .
16 Moved , Cecilia said , ‘ You know you can always come back to me to live , Tina .
17 There 's one kept saying , ‘ If there 's anything wrong , dear , you know you can always come to me to talk about it . ’
18 you know you can always fast forward it till it gets it right , but you 've got all the characters coming round you know in all these cars and all
19 Er but you know you can always close things if you want to .
20 Yes , it 's very hard because you get to that stage where you know you can only really push forward for so long , then when it you know , the whistle looms near , you try and you know , you 're just going to go for the result really , and keep it you know , a clean sheet and just get a point out of the game .
21 I was just that some nights I waken up and you know you can actually hear your heart .
22 And er in , within that as you know you can actually er go for er the higher income if he wanted to he could push the income up on the hundred thousand say , we could make the income round about seven percent if we wanted to do .
23 Er now these , you know you can actually write that in , go on , if you want .
24 Well I know you can now
25 When we read Eliot 's The Wasteland , we know we can never hope to speak it aloud satisfactorily .
26 They have done it and I know they can hardly believe it themselves sometimes . ’
27 But , but if , if they discover that you know they can really get you erm er to er do all their worrying for them ,
28 By all the rules of the market , Hewlett-Packard Co 's HP 3000 business computer family should be going the way of the Wang Laboratories Inc VS and the Nixdorf Computer AG 8870 , but in defiance of crude market logic , the machine is going from strength to strength , bolstered by the company 's relaxed approach to migration to Unix : because HP 3000 users know they can relatively painlessly convert to Unix any time they choose , the majority are happy to stay right where they are , and the company claims that its high-end HP 3000 system business actually grew more than 50% last year , and the much-derided Posix interface is actually enabling it to pick up applications from Unix .
29 ‘ I know it can never be .
30 ‘ You know it can never be . ’
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