Example sentences of "time [pron] have be " in BNC.

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1 The first thing that struck me was that of about 100 different offerings at least half a dozen times I 'd been stopped in my tracks by absolutely classic flavours .
2 ‘ It was just that a couple of times I 'd been looking out , or I 'd just glance up as I passed , and , well , I 'd seen her there .
3 ‘ Funny I 've never seen it before , the times I 've been in your Gran 's house , ’ he said .
4 In all the times I 've been down here , I have never heard that sound before .
5 Look at the times I 've been refused for the forces .
6 This morning John Smith says he is saddened by John 's remarks , he thinks it will give some material to John Major , I 've got news for him , many times I 've been saddened when he 's said nowt to John Major when all the clangers he 's dropped .
7 Yeah , you know two times I 've been , and me eyes are going right mad .
8 he wo n't let them talk , it 's disgusting , I tell ya , you know , no end of times I 've been in there and it 's obvious we 're waiting for chips
9 the times I 've been done down in my life it 's been mainly by the white people !
10 People I have worked with I 've identified as having problems that I can see some sort solution to in terms , for instance , of hospital treatment erm at times I 've been unable to erm to do that because the Act is very difficult to work round erm and in retrospect I 'm very
11 In the general run of life in a river this may be very true , but many times I have been able to take barbel and chub from the same swim simply by altering the depth at which my bait is fishing .
12 In recent times I have been able to go down to the hostel , where my good friend Richard Megson gives me the opportunity to wash in lovely hot water .
13 My final comment is that loadings on the Central Wales line seem fairly light at present , judging by the two or three times I have been on it lately .
14 But there were no pictures to look at — just a copy of the Radio Times which had been stapled inside a Playboy cover .
15 I felt at peace with the world , even though by the summer of 1939 Europe seemed to be drifting closer to war and everyone was glued to the BBC short-wave Overseas Service bulletins , or even devouring month-old copies of The Times which had been airmailed to Australia and sent on by ship , together with the Illustrated London News , Tatler , and particular titles ordered by the expatriates .
16 As they had passed by Du Cane Road , where the entrance to Wormwood Scrubs prison was , she had been reminded of how many times she had been there , visiting either her husband or one of the older boys .
17 It had felt like a game of hide-and-seek , and Shiona , though at times she had been terrified of losing him , had thoroughly enjoyed the drive .
18 Nervous , perhaps , on edge maybe , because it seemed to her that she would have to keep her wits about her unless she wanted this outing to end up as fruitless as the other times she had been in his company .
19 A couple of times she 's been standing behind a door , open it , smash her brains in .
20 But joy of joys , the New Moon in Scorpio on the 29th and some stunning planetary aspects in early November should spark off some kind of personal revival and no matter how many times you have been let down or left in the lurch in the past , emotionally this can and ought to be one of the happiest times you have ever known .
21 The box should give an indication of the number of times you have been in touch personally while nature and content can be filled in through what you enter in the rest of the sections space .
22 So I bought her some fruit pastilles again just while we were waiting for the train , but funnily enough , the last few times we 've been at the station , Bobby
23 However , we recognise that the church has not always been democratic and that at times we have been insensitive to violations of basic human rights even within the church .
24 At times there had been other options .
25 The importance of these spiritual disciplines is also recognized in Islam , where from earliest times there has been a certain class of men known as ‘ The Weepers ’ , who devote themselves to ascetic practices .
26 At times there has been no less than five organisations conducting investigations into cases : the Department of Trade and Industry , the Securities and Investments Board , the Financial Intermediaries Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association , the Serious Fraud Office and the Metropolitan Police fraud squad .
27 Thus in London at different times there have been groups which have called themselves the Society of Twelve , the Seven and Five , and One/Four .
28 Yet to characterise the development in this fashion is too simplistic since at different times there have been offshoots , modifications and borrowings from different countries and even within them .
29 Advocates of a return to gold still remain , and at times there have been proposals to consider reinstating it as the key reserve asset in the international monetary system .
30 From prehistoric times there have been fortifications of one sort or another on the great Rock which dominates the surrounding countryside , but the first records go back to the seventh century .
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