Example sentences of "see she through the " in BNC.

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1 These are the people who have seen her through the difficult times , who have helped her adjust to the life before her and who have kept her in touch with the real world .
2 When she spent all night every night watching her clientele , her boys , it was for this ; she was waiting for her chosen ones , the last of her protegés , her perfect couple , her two to see her through the dark times .
3 If only Craig was at her side it would be so different , she needed his strength to see her through the ordeal , not only of the funeral but of the days and weeks that were to come .
4 It was difficult to see her through the dazzling spurts of fire ; she seemed to be less and less there .
5 The stairs were cold and draughty and the light was n't good , but she 'd placed herself so that the agency 's receptionist would be able to see her through the glass-panelled door if she should happen to glance up .
6 Her parents travelled home in the first week of October leaving her with fields enriched by the presence of a few dozen sheep and enough advice to see her through the cow 's first calving and the sow 's first litter .
7 She could not but be gratified and relieved at the possibility of a small sum to see her through the likely lean period before she could get another post .
8 For the first time in her life she felt as if the veil had been stripped from her idol and she was looking at the real person who hid away inside a beautiful body , seeing her through the eyes of others who had no family love for her to colour what they saw .
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