Example sentences of "one of those day " in BNC.

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1 one of those day trips
2 IT WAS one of those days which news editors will remember on their death-beds .
3 ‘ Just one of those days .
4 It had been one of those days .
5 It was two or three days earlier that I had made my appointment , and as luck so often has it , the due day arrived to what can only be described as ‘ one of those days ’ .
6 I 'm sure that one of those days the dog 's jealousy and the child 's charisma , or the combination of both , will lead to grief .
7 One of those days was last Friday , when I had a terrible time going to lunch with Herman to meet Ivy .
8 Instinct told me it was going to be one of those days the moment I removed the little grey shrivelled chicken from the oven .
9 They just had one of those days when everything came off for them .
10 It had been one of those days when everything had gone wrong : the stake-out at the Saudi Embassy had produced exactly nothing ; a false alarm , and after six , agonisingly boring hours , Cowley had called through the most welcome of messages : Go home lads .
11 And I knew from experience that in the ten to fourteen days during wastage of muscle tissue prior to an operation , a patient should normally suffer intense pain almost every hour of every one of those days .
12 ‘ It was one of those days when it seemed like I had to climb a mountain .
13 It was one of those days when snow fell all day without sticking and the cold seemed to penetrate right to the bone .
14 I did not have the time for this myself , but clearly , a solution is to lie in wait for this photograph on one of those days when the time of performance does not coincide with the time of sunset !
15 It was one of those days which all professional golfers have to endure , when their swing is n't quite right .
16 I did not have the time for this myself , but clearly , a solution is to lie in wait for this photograph on one of those days when the time of performance does not coincide with the time of sunset !
17 For month after patient month Torrance ticked over , convinced in his own mind that one of those days his putter would get hot and he would win again .
18 After she had roared off , it was one of those days when I had the house to myself .
19 It was one of those days where she stood staring at corridors of soup cans , dithering between chicken korma and coconut or sweetcorn and satay .
20 ‘ It 's been one of those days , has n't it , Robyn ? ’ he murmured evenly .
21 ‘ It 's just one of those days . ’
22 I was sitting under Marcus 's chair in the garden on one of those days when he stays at home when I heard this noise from next door .
23 It was one of those days when police academy cadets were controlling the traffic and miles of brightly coloured taxi-cabs slithered very slowly up the avenue of graceful skyscrapers like banded snakes between jungle trees .
24 AS everyone knows , was Comic Relief Day — one of those days when , if you dared to venture out of your bed , you would be forced to empty your pockets for charity .
25 I knew this was going to happen it 's going to be one of those days .
26 It was one of those days , I was bloody minded …
27 O K. This is one of those days .
28 I 'm never going to get this work done , I 'm never going to get my act together today You know , as , as people say , it 's one of those days .
29 Clearly Crusaders had one of those days in-form teams dread .
30 The third seed was beaten in four sets by the 18th-ranked Czech and the highly-rated Swede was forced to admit : ‘ It was one of those days . ’
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