Example sentences of "see [prep] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They seen to be watching the passengers .
2 One of the hydraulic stand pipes , seen before being enclosed in a cabin .
3 An attractive young blonde I had n't seen before was offering me a joint .
4 Be seen to is found quite often for instance in the sort of context alluded to by Bolinger in which one gets the impression that someone is establishing the facts : ( 67 ) Nobody had been seen to enter the house or leave it .
5 A system is a set of interacting parts which has meaning as a whole because it is possible to define a purpose — a reason why the parts are seen to be related to the whole and a justification for the concept of the whole ( Singleton , 1974 ) .
6 The park authority itself has few powers over agricultural change — control of the largest and a few other farm buildings but little else — and must operate by giving counter advice and offering compensation to the Farmer who proposes an action that is seen to be damaging .
7 In arctic and alpine environments the surface is often seen to be composed of a layer of angular rock fragments commonly described by the term felsenmeer and attributed to the operation of frost weathering .
8 The first is that by positioning himself conspicuously behind a veil , the Resident could leave the population in a state of desirable uncertainty about the degree of influence he actually exercised over their emir : his advice was not seen to be taken , but neither was it seen to be rejected .
9 In other words , the practice of discovering knowledge , of creating works of art , in short , of making the world we live in , is seen to be conducted entirely by men : masculine men or feminine men — but not women .
10 Poverty is seen to be caused both by dependency and lack of opportunity .
11 Tax representatives are jointly responsible for the overseas businesses ' tax liabilities , although it is the overseas business , rather than the tax representative , which is seen to be registered for UK VAT .
12 When a thin section of a basalt is examined under a microscope , it can be seen to be made up of a closely-felted mass of interlocking needle-like crystals of feldspar , a millimetre or so long , with a scattering of more colourful tiny crystals of olivine and pyroxene and some black opaque specks of iron oxides .
13 It will be a slow journey , in which progress will be seen to be made in stages rather than continuously .
14 It is less important that people gain sustenance from philanthropic benevolence than that gestures are seen to be made .
15 In the , case of the political decision , however , a decision is seen to be made .
16 With his concept of the linguistic sign Saussure created the basis of structuralism , both in linguistics and as a more broadly based movement of thought , in which all forms of social and cultural life are seen to be governed by systems of signs which are either linguistic or analogous to those of language .
17 One bomber — reportedly a Ju88 — was seen to be hit by A.A. and went vertically into the sea with a great howl of engines .
18 It also helps with the image of the school library in that the school librarian is seen to be using new technology to improve the efficiency of the school library .
19 The approaching fleet , now seen to be wearing banners showing the Leopards of England , did slow down and bunch together as they approached the harbour entrance , to negotiate the fairly narrow channel .
20 By putting ‘ boldness ’ before ‘ prudence ’ , Deng was seen to be wearing his reformist hat , a blow to the more cautious-minded in the party leadership .
21 If their discharges are seen to be causing harm they can be liable in the civil courts .
22 These idealised sentences often turn out to be based , in fact , on the conventions of written language in the academic sub-culture and these linguists could be seen to be perpetuating , albeit in more sophisticated terms , the older , ideological conception of writing as the model for speech .
23 The person was older than me and he 's a bit higher up the rank than me and it 's all about it probably comes with experience he 's to stand for yourself really but it 's when you 're our age and a bit younger you do n't want to be seen to be rocking the boat if there 's something that 's going on that you do n't agree with but you 're asked to do something that you do n't want to do valid reasons you have n't got the time or it 's not really up to you to do it
24 In these circumstances they can not be seen to be sacrificing their independence for that would undermine their claims to being objective in taking decisions at work .
25 It does neither any harm to be seen to be trying to influence the other .
26 Some , however , were concerned about the nature of the play activities , almost all of which were seen to be based on some kind of violence .
27 The full circuit diagram for the UV Exposure Timer is given in Fig. 1 and is seen to be based around a simple 555 timer chip IC1 , wired as a monostable .
28 In the final section ( 3.7 ) , we give a table of quantitative data from these three passages , so that our analysis can be seen to be based on " hard evidence " .
29 Whilst most activities taking place during the scheming ( or " drawing board " ) phases are seen to be based around discrete geometric interpretations , their function may allow them to take on many differing forms .
30 Of the species observed , the canopy liane , Combretum fruticosum ( Combretaceae ) , was seen to be visited by primates including the pygmy marmoset , while the tree , Quararibea cordata ( Bombacaceae ) , was visited by large primates , opossums and kinkajous .
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