Example sentences of "one [noun sg] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Great , ’ came the reply , ‘ except for one Scotsman who was electrocuted . ’
2 Before leaving section I , mention should be made of one defence which is not available .
3 In one sentence it was ‘ The objectives of US policy can only be attained by such French action that will satisfy the nationalist aspirations of the peoples of Indo-China ’ .
4 When I went to Drake Hall on one sentence I was waiting for another court case as well , a conspiracy case , a big one .
5 One afternoon we were all wandering up Tottenham Court Road for some reason .
6 One afternoon we were taken to the Kidge above Delhi where British troops had held out against constant attacks during the Mutiny .
7 One afternoon she was maintaining her usual bedside vigil when , with the strains of Madam Butterfly playing in the background , he opened his eyes ‘ and was back ’ .
8 One afternoon I was bundled on to an open lorry where about 40 others were already shivering in the late autumn frost .
9 One afternoon I was going back into my hotel when a fat man came and stood in front of me .
10 and it was windy right , he got a tree a third of the height of that on a table , they puts it up on a table , and underneath the tree they have got one present which is member of the family from each member of the family , right , that is it , one present , it maybe a box of chocolates , you know , or a box of cigars , something like that , children wake up Christmas morning they have a bag which is about that big , with a full of sweets and bits and pieces , little toy car thing and they have one big present , right , and I 'll tell you what festivity over there is as well , that must , it because it 's not over dark because there no big glory about it , there so much more relaxed that , well Chris he said , yeah
11 Within one hour there was activity at this base as the gun carriage that was to carry the King 's body was held at this unit .
12 During his reign Edgar made one decision which was to have great significance later .
13 One shrimp which was found turned out to be an American introduction that originated from ponds in Grangemouth used to season timber .
14 One measure which is relatively easy to make is the citation rate per paper ( Martin & Irvine 1983 ) .
15 On one level they were just marking time , spending a few days in the country at a friend 's house .
16 At one level we are talking about the way in which planning decisions are actually arrived at ‘ in the national interest ’ .
17 On one level it is yet another accident , and on a second level it is inevitable , it must be so because it belongs here and nowhere else , as the foreign restaurant bill belongs to a novel about human birds of passage , and as the whistle belongs to a novel , in fact the only late Dostoevsky novel , with no children in it but haunted by the toys of absent innocence and peace : the governor of ‘ our province ’ where these crazy terrible events take place was disappointed in love as a young man and consoled himself by making a paper theatre with curtains , actors , audience , orchestra , conductor — the lot .
18 At one level it is very much a play about sexual attraction and frustration .
19 Clearly there is something very important going on in this move , and at one level it is indeed a necessary corrective to the textual isolationism of much modernist criticism .
20 On one level it is hard to see how we can avoid reproducing this contradictory space when speaking of the inner city as a place , a fusion of social problems .
21 At one level it is a question of ensuring that its judgments are reflective of a genuine balance between the collective interests of the EEC and those of the nation state .
22 So I think there 's something that is alive , yes , although in , er on one level it is a fox or some other creature outside there .
23 She grieved deeply for him but without bitterness ; at one level she is still grieving years later but it is not a destructive grieving .
24 On one level there 's this analogy , this pattern about history that we 've been talking about but er is Freud 's attempt to explain Jewish er culture in terms of a , of a general pattern of history , of course there are many other examples and Mike has suggested a brilliant one here .
25 Cables are dangerous , and where there is more than one cable it is important to keep the glider straight and well clear of any other cable .
26 Among the 950 pensioners at the gathering were , who was attending his 24th reunion at Park Royal , and one pensioner who was proudly showing off his 40 year service tie .
27 She was the one sister who was sympathetic to him ; that is , when he was able to detach her from the others .
28 At the one direction it 's these people next door to us I 've lived there what , twenty six , twenty seven years , and we , I 've people living next door , six children and never a any noise to what we get in there .
29 The evaluators observed one course which was devoted to showing teachers from prospective Major Project schools a variety of worksheets , project books and software on which they might choose to spend some of their grant , and another in which nationally known figures ( Royston McHugh from the Inner London Education Authority ( ILEA ) and Ron Mitson from the Abraham Moss Centre ) sought to inspire a good attendance with the philosophy of a more broadly conceived RBL .
30 But saying we 've got that problem now , we 've got the problem with that so we 're gon na change one part which is the chiller
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