Example sentences of "one [noun sg] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 One difficulty remains in that a mining venture would still need to find a way through to the deposit in a place where the sedimentary layer is not too thick .
2 One difficulty lay in the endless commissions he received , usually for illustrative work within an established vein and which left him little time to experiment .
3 One difficulty encountered in verifying the explanation proposed above is a pair of sentences with the to infinitive cited by van Ek ( 1966 : 151 ) as examples of " see denoting physical rather than mental perception " : ( 51 ) It ( viz. Mrs B. " s death ) might be soon , for I can see worthy Mrs Bonner to be breaking visibly .
4 We used to have House matches at the Hurlingham track , and I remember one afternoon competing in the 100 , 200 and 400 metres and the three jumps — high , long and triple .
5 The Spiral wand is just one attachment included in the Geometricks styling system , £24.99 , Philips
6 But there was one isotope released in the accident that is highly mobile , that does have a high take-up by the human body , has a half-life of 140 days , and — though this was only revealed this week by the NRPB after New Scientist 's inquiries — was released in significant quantities .
7 ‘ My guess is the commissioners will be desperate for a reason to postpone a decision ’ , says one scientist participating in the closed scientific committee meetings that have preceded next week 's plenary session .
8 One monk noted in reply to the Commission 's enquiries that religious communities probably owe to music more of their spirituality than they will ever know .
9 ‘ Poor Woolacombe says if he 's had one story thrown in his face as an example of what bad conduct may lead to , he 's had fifty .
10 Vets , police and RSPCA inspectors found some animals unable to stand , others emaciated , one cow collapsed in a barn , with rats running over it , apparently dead .
11 One try resulted in a pregnancy which ended in a miscarriage , but the couple are saving for a second try .
12 When my husband came in , bringing the new neighbours with him , I was sitting on the floor , one foot wedged in the lavatory basin , and with the broken seat round my neck !
13 Well , I 've got , if you you just bear with me a moment , I still have one foot dragging in H one , but I thought we 'd got to the stage where in order to try and clarify thinking on the matter we ought to progress onto H two , erm , that just let me reveal the thinking , erm that , before I do that can I just say in terms of mechanics those of you who have just joined us for the first time , could you turn your name boards round so I can see them , thank you , and when you want to come in the normal practice is to put your name board on end , so it will attract our attention .
14 Sites that have extensive ruins open to the public sometimes have one part reconstructed in order to convey an idea of how the whole site may have once appeared .
15 Firstly , it is difficult if not dangerous to argue that what happens in one case happens in all .
16 One agent occurring in the antarctic species Trematomus borchgrevinki ( Figure 6.3 ) has been identified as a glycoprotein of molecular weight up to 21 500 , which appears to bind itself to ice crystals and inhibit their growth ( Lin et al . ,
17 One punter surfaced in the ship-canal
18 ‘ I saw one soldier standing in the road .
19 The Italian fell on his leg after a tackle — with horror , Walker saw one tooth embedded in his knee !
20 When you have one wheel stuck in bent tramlines while the other is banging through mud-filled , cobble-strewn potholes the size of small mineshafts , it sharpens up your steering technique no end .
21 For a moment , he had put his own pain to one side to share in hers .
22 In the public sector there is likely to be decentralization , and this is discussed below ; but typically , within any government jurisdiction , there is only one department engaged in a particular activity ( e.g. , issuing automobile licences ) .
23 I do have one seat left in the stalls .
24 One analogy prayed in aid in the course of argument on the present appeal was the ‘ relation back ’ doctrine applied in English insolvency .
25 The selling of horses was conducted here on an organised basis by a firm of auctioneers from Harrogate , but the auctioneer had only one horse to sell in 1987 .
26 The principle of equality of political power which is embodied in the possession by each and every citizen of one vote stands in sharp contrast to the blatant inequalities in the distribution of political power in almost every other important respect .
27 Classics had one tutor in each institution , but one institution bought in two others also .
28 A few bloodied survivors , swearing that they , and their children , and their children 's children , and so on until the end of the world , would live and die with one ambition burning in their hearts : the prevention of another such apocalypse .
29 Only one reference cited in the report is dated after 1988 , and so some recent developments and arguments are absent .
30 In the Hall study accidents at 177 signalized crossroads were analysed over a period of four years , over this period accidents involving a vehicle turning right outnumbered those to vehicles turning left by a ratio of 6.6:1 ( accidents involving one vehicle turning in each direction were excluded from the analysis ) .
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