Example sentences of "one [prep] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I asked one of they did n't I ?
2 Foreigners always find that a difficult process — in fact only one of them made a real success of it — and Disraeli possessed what Ezra had been denied — the elasticity and toughness of a good Jew .
3 Two senior research officers at the Home Office were also invited , and one of them made an excellent contribution .
4 Never before had there been as many as nine of his members in a Masters field and every one of them made the cut .
5 One of them made a farewell address :
6 One of them made crochet toilet-seat covers that they sold at the shop .
7 One of them made a stand for repeal of the Corn Laws , which must have taken some guts in this neck of the woods . ’
8 After a few half-hearted sips , one of them made a great show of looking at his watch , and put his glass down .
9 She never knew which one of them made the first move , but suddenly , unaccountably , she was in his arms , his hands pressing against her back to draw her closer still .
10 The men in the smithy seized him ; and one of them took a hammer and drove a nail into the sole of his boot .
11 But this day I was n't there anyway and er they went into this shop in the , er and they came out , or one of them took a , a fruit cake .
12 And of course I loved the town and although the station was about a mile from the town centre , people used to come from the town centre in their cars , they had lunch at our place er er at Cambridge , you see , and there , there were two waiters and one , one of them took part-time cellar work , you see , and er , they were two brothers and er their name 's
13 One of them took a handful of the stuff .
14 If one of them took it it would have been a goal for certain .
15 One of them glanced towards the town ; his eyes rested , briefly and incuriously , on Oliver .
16 One of them demanded $5 .
17 The dime dropped , and one of them grinned , tucked his riffle under his arm and reached into his uniform .
18 One of them parked across the narrow track leading away from the building ; it acted as a barrier .
19 One of them staked everything he 'd got , and lost .
20 One of them wore a kaftan .
21 One of them wore a hat that dripped water from the brim .
22 She saw one of them stumble and took her chance , moving in as he staggered up , catching him beneath the chin with stiffened fingers .
23 We do n't want one of them slamming up our rear . ’
24 Her Majesty 's dogs did make a bit of a dent in the corgi image when one of them bit the Queen 's hand during a fight last year , but like King Charles the second and his spaniels , the Queen is inseparable from her corgis .
25 a very uncomfortable thing for me occurred — There were quite enough queens to register Casanova impotent , and yet every one of them shied away from me as if I had the plague .
26 Now I do n't know if you 've been brought up on a diet of men who jump in and out of bed with whatever women take their fancy , but if you have then I suggest you go find one of them to satiate your appetite .
27 In the deal that gave Air France part of Czech airline CSA , EBRD funds were being used to finance a deal between two state airlines , one of them run by his brother Bernard .
28 When recounting this story to some friends a few weeks ago , one of them added : ‘ Well , even that has changed .
29 Then one of them led him up the garden path to a shed .
30 Then one of them led him up the garden path to a shed .
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