Example sentences of "out for their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That meant that one would expect , close by the walls , dilapidated streets and ruinous houses , robbed out for their stone .
2 She called out for their return , she wept convulsively , she implored God . …
3 On the whole , however , players were — and still are — happier turning out for their clubs .
4 Congratulations and good luck to the new reps , who are — watch out for their faces on your notice boards
5 Look out for a new Douglas deck , and look out for their UK team riders Jason Lunn , Pete McNeil and Simon Evans .
6 First , there are now so many ‘ significant ’ tournaments in the world that outstanding players tend to play elsewhere for themselves , basing their week 's labour on financial gain rather than turning out for their country .
7 So Bennett was instructed to go to AM Sir John Slessor , Commander-in-Chief , Coastal Command , and literally fight it out for their share of the new 3cm H2S .
8 The undercover soldiers of the S-A-S have been singled out for their bravery in the Gulf War .
9 Instead of us , you know , instead of it blocking out for our benefit , I reckon it blocked out for their benefit somehow a hell of a lot of insulation , in here
10 She forked out for their flights to Malaga and taxis from the airport to the villa .
11 Please allow 14 days for your card and PIN to arrive , and ensure you look out for their arrival if you have shared postal arrangements .
12 But places , too , sometimes cried out for their crime .
13 I was approached in this room about erm , twelve months ago , by Francis and Tricia erm , to ask if I would make a programme out for their group .
14 Before long the bells of St. Andrew 's Church rang out for their wedding and Mary was safely ensconced in a corner of Ince , which Killigrew had carefully divided into four equal parts .
15 Scepticism about the value of his word has been laid to one side ; western governments want a respectable , and reasonably fast , way out for their troops in Kurdistan .
16 ( c ) Goodwill Before the Finance Act 1956 and the introduction of tax relief for contributions to retirement annuity contracts for the self-employed , outgoing partners in solicitors ' firms invariably relied upon being paid out for their interest in the firm 's goodwill as the principal means of providing for themselves and their families during their retirement and after their death .
17 I can almost hear them crying out for their dinner .
18 She had no illusions about why her children were so willing to shell out for their mother 's annual pilgrimage .
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