Example sentences of "out that [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Geoff Esland points out that since the 1946 National Health Service Act levels of pay and conditions of work in the medical profession , and spending on medical research , have been largely determined by central government .
2 He points out that since the Korean War those countries with the highest growth rates — Japan , Sweden , Germany and Austria — have had the lowest levels of military expenditure as a percentage of GDP .
3 We would again point out that whereas the Committee has produced ‘ evidence ’ from a politically motivated group , the British BSSRS ( sic ) and an emotionally committed woman , Nancy Tait , our plant has been assessed and approved by the IIRS , Cork County Council , Cork County Medical Officer , An Taisce and the IDA .
4 Enthoven pointed out that whereas the NHS efficiently contained costs at the macro-level it provided few incentives to consistently reward efficiency and high performance at the micro-level , and indeed penalised both .
5 It also points out that while the UK is enjoying something of an export boom the industry needs to stimulate home sales to allow for continued export investment .
6 In reply to the Commission 's consultation paper on the relationship between fiduciary duties and regulatory rules , the Institute points out that while the Securities and Investments Board 's rules recognise Chinese walls , the exemption does not apply to firms authorised by a recognised professional body .
7 Emma Johnson was eager to point out that while the concerto has its inward and reflective side , it also offers scope in a purely virtuosic sense as well .
8 She pointed out that while the infant mortality rate was high in Burnley , where a large proportion of women worked , housing conditions were also very poor .
9 He pointed out that while the estimated number of drug users in the USA had fallen from 23,000,000 in 1985 to 14,000,000 in 1988 , evidence suggested that drug users now employed more types of drugs more frequently .
10 Grenville pointed out that although no legal duty to attend school rests with the child , s/he might find her/himself the subject of ‘ welfare sanctions ’ .
11 In his Dictionary ( 1697 ) , Bayle points out that although the ‘ new philosophers ’ do not set out to be sceptics , they go even further in extending sceptical arguments to the conclusion that smells , colours , and tastes , ‘ are perceptions of our soul and that they do not exist at all in the objects of our senses ’ .
12 The students have pointed out that although the costs have been lowered , they are still personally liable and are still unable to pay .
13 He pointed out that although the Select Committee had regretted that the opinion of the assessors was not taken into consideration in the outcome of the competition , they would probably not have chosen Scott .
14 He also pointed out that although the new technology of agriculture is here to stay , we need to retrieve the wisdom of the past .
15 He points out that although the overall significance of the trend may be exaggerated , ‘ it is very striking and telling in character ’ .
16 This point is exemplified with reference to tense and mood variation in Spanish si clauses ( see 50–52 above ) ; Lavandera points out that although the alternants may be defined as variants of an underlying variable in the sense that they are truth-conditional semantic equivalents , and pattern according to external social factors , they differ in modal meaning ( see Huddleston 1984 : 165 for a discussion of these semantic issues ) .
17 More specifically , in geomorphology it had often been pointed out that although the Davisian trilogy embraced structure , process and stage or time the emphasis had been very clearly upon stage with very little upon process .
18 Whilst welcoming the agreement , the ANC questioned the government 's commitment to the amnesty , pointing out that although the UN stipulated unconditional amnesty for all political crimes , the government retained the exclusive prerogative to grant or refuse amnesty for crimes ranging from leaving the country illegally to murder .
19 Dr Lee has recently pointed out that although the resources which went into the exporting industries could have been channelled elsewhere , the return would almost certainly have been less : " An eighteenth-century economy without resource to trade would have been smaller , less diversified and must have generated less growth even than the modest rate of increase actually achieved . "
20 The MP wrote to Environment Minister Robert Atkins pointing out that although the men were retained firemen and the only hours that count are when they are ‘ on duty ’ , many have up to years of service under their belts .
21 We pointed out that unless an appeal is lodged within 28 days of the sentencing he could be free in a little over two years .
22 He points out that after the first few days the violence vanished along with the hype and , instead , young black men from warring gangs actually got together to discuss the film .
23 He has helped to construct specially tailored mortgage services to exploit the low cost of housing and he points out that after the Woolwich developed its property services division in Kent , its second area of development was in Northern Ireland .
24 Reports pointed out that though the act had been passed for women 's protection , it seemed it was being used almost exclusively to punish poor women .
25 Barthes is careful to point out that though the encratic discourse posits itself as natural , in fact this is an illusion , a necessary camouflage of its own systematicity ( 1984:128–9 ) .
26 He points out that though the implication was that the customer research forming the basis for Microsoft 's claims was impartial , Microsoft actually commissioned the report .
27 In this he pointed out that whilst the objectives model might be appropriate to those parts of education concerned with skills training and instruction ( acquisition of information ) , it was of no help in the area of understanding ( induction into thought systems ) .
28 The fire brigade was unable to estimate the expense of each call , but helpfully points out that where the cost of malicious false alarms is being claimed back in court , the normal figure is £97.50 an appliance .
29 Offe 's account of the state has to be distinguished from ‘ capital derivative ’ versions and offers an account of why the state favours capital within capitalism by pointing out that as the state apparatus depends on revenues drawn from capitalist accumulation , it depends on stable accumulation for its own functioning .
30 Peregrine Worsthorne , writing in The Sunday Telegraph , pointed out that if a foreign country had caused such havoc it would be termed ‘ the enemy ’ .
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