Example sentences of "people who [vb base] know " in BNC.

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1 Er there 's a sense also in which memories may not be an individual phenomenon but may be a collective phenomena and if you listen to families reminiscing about things or people who 've know each-other for a long time reminiscing about things , different people supply different details , they contradict one-another , they erm fill things in , they say no it ca n't have been then because um because that was the Christmas when Uncle Sydney had his kidney stones and um y'know stuff like that .
2 People who like to know make the earth smaller .
3 The Ben is quite a different place in winter , equally as magnificent , but free from Pac-o-macs , folding aluminium chairs , and people who want to know who Benjamin Nevis was and why the mountain is named after him .
4 When you start playing your cricket at 18 or 19 , or even earlier , it 's very easy to get bowled over by the way of life you adopt — there are always a lot of people who want to know you and you can be carried along by that .
5 ‘ My parents have been pestered by people who want to know when I am coming home , ’ she said .
6 It is designed , say its publishers , ‘ to help people who want to know how to set up a sound production office and how to make wise decisions about buying print . ’
7 All the people who matter know each other well and so can take decisions fast .
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