Example sentences of "people who [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , even if there are some cases of peaceable peoples who rarely feel mutual hostility , they are not easy to find .
2 Morgan and Engels believed that there were several peoples who still practices group marriage .
3 I hope that the hon. Member for Newry and Armagh , and other hon. Members who represent Northern Ireland , will agree that one of the absolute keys is to ensure that the money we spend gets to the people who most deserve and need it as quickly as possible .
4 She told me that the previous year she had confided to an American friend in Rome that the two people who most fascinated her in the world were Albert Schweitzer and Herbert von Karajan ; and a year later she was sitting in an empty hall with Walter Legge , Elisabeth Schwarzkopf , and Herbert von Karajan listening to a private recital on the organ by Albert Schweitzer .
5 It is the more-educated people who most use complementary medicine , thus helping to dispel the idea that it is ‘ unscientific ’ and used only by the uncritical ; and about 10 per cent of clients going to complementary practitioners are referred by doctors or paramedics .
6 Bassetlaw particularly needs good community care because many of the people who most need help live outside the towns and lack easy access to hospitals and town halls .
7 It was certainly an improvement on the pre-war system , but I doubted whether the money was always reaching the people who most needed it .
8 Given that we wish to give British industry the flexibility to employ part-time workers , is not this another effort by Labour to hit the people who most want to seek jobs ?
9 ‘ We held a Victorian Fair at the weekend and many people who previously lived in the town and were back visiting could n't believe how much it has deteriorated . ’
10 NOW that Lennox Lewis has earned a world-title shot it 's interesting to see so many people who previously dubbed him a Canadian imposter jumping on the Brit-for-Champ bandwagon .
11 ‘ Most are people who previously had a bad reaction to stings from wasps or bees .
12 It seems perfectly reasonable to assume that people who frequently commit crime hold ‘ pro-criminal ’ values .
13 Frequent moves , combined with the anti-social nature of the American home , have created suburbs full of people who scarcely know one another 's names .
14 What cruel irony it will be if my own uncompromising and innovatory integrity should lead me into the mantraps set by the sort of people who scarcely know one end of a pen from another .
15 People who both ski and mountaineer , like myself , are fickle creatures .
16 However , it is a staggering fact that 9 out of 10 people who successfully lose weight on a " diet " put the weight back on again afterwards .
17 Fairness the people who willingly to cheer now .
18 I have very little knowledge about why ordinary members joined , but my knowledge of why those people who later became ministers joined should be fairly representative of the core support .
19 Mr. Graham : Perhaps they are the professional advisers who advised the Government to sell the royal ordnance factory in my constituency for a pittance to people who later recouped the price in one sale .
20 Some people who later tried to replicate the Fleischmann and Pons experiment — before full details were circulated thought that the specific form of electrolyte was not important and guessed its form incorrectly .
21 They have not finished analysing their data and getting it ready ; still , their current bullishness about their earlier result is not that of people who already know their next experiment to have failed .
22 This explains the anomaly of why these questions were asked by people who already knew she was Catholic , and why they were periodically asked in different ways throughout the year of field-work , for they are the means for establishing and then reconfirming and testing the typification .
23 SO the Government wants to tax disabled people who already feel bad enough about not being able to work .
24 A diametrically different view came from a trades-union leader , Mr Lee Chuk-Yan , who said : ‘ This whole thing of right of abode gives one more choice to people who already have lots of choices .
25 The Association of British Insurers points out an increasing trend among major insurers to offer selective cover for people who already have some elements of cover under existing household and life policies , or free with their credit and charge cards ( NatWest 's Gold card offers the only truly standalone , comprehensive travel cover ) .
26 But just because Club 18–30 is a great place for meeting people and making new friends of either sex , it does n't mean to say that those people who already have someone special in their lives ca n't come and join in the fun as well .
27 On the other hand , there is no law saying that librarianship , or teaching , or media production , can not be learned at professional level by people who already have a professional accreditation in another field .
28 People who already have breathing problems are badly affected if pollution levels are high when they come into the city centre .
29 so you intend to deal more with people who already bought and were in
30 They think we are people who just put things in envelopes — there is a certain snobbery about it . ’
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