Example sentences of "people who [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 I think a lot of people are getting too excited about a technology which is which has been dreamed up by people who wish it would happen rather than prove it can happen .
2 People who bore it came to her in her rare sleeping periods , and she learned from them .
3 The Oxenhope Straw Race has a long way to go before it reaches its centenary , but the aims of the people who organise it and take part are the same as those who in the nineteenth century began the hospital sings at Holmfirth and Mapplewell .
4 The people who said it were telling the truth .
5 Herbert Samuel argued in 1902 " the only guarantee of an empire 's unity is the contentedness of the people who compose it " .
6 But the people who know it say it 's a fantastic track . ’
7 Because of the guillotine , amendments to ensure that the rebate system is simple and reaches people who require it may not be properly discussed .
8 It 's as , what I 'm looking for is that the people who tick it off as being okay know what they are looking for , and that maybe that it 's the right number of boxes , it might be it 's the right grade of paper , whatever it happens to be that , that , if they tick it to say it 's right , then that 's what , that they have checked in some way .
9 He did not want to win it again because even though ‘ I feel great at the moment , I do n't think it should be won more than once ; the more people who win it , the better ’ .
10 The key to a good use is that it brings people to the building who value it for its beauty and appreciate and enjoy its surroundings — not simply people who regard it as an opportunity to acquire a large amount of cheap floor space .
11 It 's hard for any government to persist unless there are considerable numbers of people who regard it as legitimate , but legitimacy changes also , and if you make erm drastic mistakes you wo n't be re-elected like President Hoover .
12 There are two human types , basically , people who bottle their emotions up and people who let it all come roaring out .
13 ‘ I reserve that emotion only for people who deserve it . ’
14 Erm and I mean the people who saw it , everyone was indignant .
15 I mean the the white people who saw it were indignant .
16 Try it for yourself : go out into a meadow , a village street , stand by the bank of a stream or on the sea shore and imagine the people who knew it 1,000 years ago .
17 And often we are the people who embroider it and overbear it with all the complications ent that that are that are part of it .
18 The security apparatus , known as Stasi by the people who feared it , is on its last legs after 39 years of running agents , snooping on dissidents and harassing critics of the ruling Communist party .
19 ‘ Its main concerns would become food and the people who consume it , not farming and those who produce it . ’
20 In Argentina , as in Brazil and Peru , democracy is showing its , power to disappoint the people who desire it .
21 It 's something that er not always happens like in the back propagation learning and people who invented it did n't realize it was that that important and did n't advertise it .
22 Its taste , light , slightly sweet and with no unpleasant or strong odours or flavours , is an added bonus and one which surprises most people who try it .
23 Aside from the Children 's Department , the Design Department , in the early weeks , were enraged by us ; not the Designers themselves , who were absolutely terrific to us , but the people who ran it who were often extremely unhelpful .
24 The incidence of child and sex abuse among people who experienced it themselves as children is horrifyingly high .
25 Say the doorframe 's been busted , then er we 've got authority to contact the board the people who board it up .
26 I do not know who pays the salaries of the people who drafted it .
27 I am less concerned to focus on the psychopathology of individuals than to point to a collective , cultural condition ‘ and the tendencies of people who make it up ’ ( May , 1969 ) .
28 Turning from the hardware of sea rescue to the people who make it possible the Chairman emphasised that the contribution of lifeboat crews could not be stressed too highly .
29 It 's like anything else , most of the people who make it through into professional science do n't really have the commitment or the imaginative fire to be there .
30 Well it does n't actually make less people depressed that its predecessors , the great thing about it is is that it only only one quarter of the people who take it get side effects .
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