Example sentences of "people 's [noun pl] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 " Needles stuck in people 's bellies to cure cholera , whatever next ! " the audience appeared to be thinking .
2 Surely people will ask us why , in 1991 , we did not recognise young people 's aspirations to travel and work abroad .
3 Something to account for her needing to get into the Workshops , but something that did not give away the Beastline people 's plans to attack Tara ?
4 It is arguable , too , that he was over-anxious to dismiss people 's attempts to preserve the family as ‘ ideology ’ , one distracting attention from the class basis of fascism .
5 Many of the issues in the contemporary study of perceptual systems have come about because of our improved understanding of how the systems might work , based largely on people 's attempts to build models of perceptual processes .
6 This may be vital for education but in adult life it can become a great barrier to deaf people 's attempts to have access to information .
7 For all these criticisms , however , Reich 's study is perhaps the best empirical example of how politics , and nationally-based politics in particular , is simultaneously the result not only of daily life ( and people 's attempts to construct an understanding of their particular experience ) but also of deep-lying social sexual and psychic structures .
8 Rationalization refers to people 's efforts to construct an explanation for their fallibility which allows them to own it without feeling bad about it .
9 But unfortunately there are few descriptive accounts of people 's efforts to reduce the likelihood that an event will occur , perhaps because effective responses are self-evident , or because they are not easily assessed by investigators in that successful action will have removed the difficulty .
10 Darlington Labour candidate Alan Milburn ‘ Labour will bring lasting prosperity to Darlington and put people 's talents to use rather than allowing them to go to waste . ’
11 Do hearing people have a significant role in raising the level of deaf people 's lives to help them fit into society better ?
12 As Catch 22 , Slaughterhouse-5 and others have shown , some books have too slippery and permanent a place in people 's lives to become credible movies .
13 Plainly , the simplest case is that where people are willing to hold that expanding stock of deposits which results from other people 's decisions to borrow .
14 They have their local medicine and the witch doctors try and cure them of their diseases first so they would even bore holes into people 's skulls to let the spirits out for headaches and things like that .
15 Use people 's experiences to support the cognitive-behavioural model .
16 Five hundred deputies called for a session of the Congress of People 's Deputies to formalize the dissolution of the Soviet Union , but the call was not heeded .
17 RUSSIA 'S leaders vacillated between confrontation and compromise yesterday as President Boris Yeltsin softened his claim to special powers and parliament called an emergency session of the Congress of People 's Deputies to try to oust him .
18 Demonstrations and disorders continued , some of them involving firearms , explosives and loss of life ; the decision of the Congress of People 's Deputies to elect an Azerbaijani as well as an Armenian to represent the region in the new Supreme Soviet aroused particular indignation .
19 The manoeuvring goes on : Boris Yeltsin appears to have backtracked slightly on the powers he has assumed to by-pass the Supreme Soviet , although he still intends to hold the planned referendum ; meanwhile the parliament has called a full session of the Congress of People 's Deputies to impeach the president , but there is uncertainty about whether the hardliners can actually muster a sufficient majority .
20 A statement issued after talks with his conservative rival Ruslan Khasbulatov said the meeting of the Congress of People 's Deputies to ratify an expected power-sharing agreement could take place in the first ten days of March .
21 On the same day the USSR Supreme Soviet refused an Armenian request to convene an emergency session of the Congress of People 's Deputies to discuss the crisis .
22 Modern historians are quite uncertain whether an individual of that name existed here and carried out the exploits attributed to him ; or whether he is a representative figure around whom have accreted the age-old memories of a people 's struggles to maintain inherited liberties in the face of alien subjection .
23 ‘ These days it takes two people 's wages to keep one household going , ’ observed Bernard .
24 We should be looking for a market-based solution to our problems , not snooping in people 's backyards to check out what kind of barbecue they are using . ’
25 Insurance companies use people 's savings to acquire a range or portfolio of assets which they then manage in such a way as to make profit , whilst at the same time providing cover against contingencies .
26 ‘ With many people 's desires to move being delayed or not taking place because of job and housing difficulties there may well be demands to make cities more acceptable or even attractive places to live , ’ said Miss Hughes .
27 They are not therefore directly related to people 's requirements to hold a medium of exchange .
28 ‘ I did n't realise I 'd be going round treading on people 's corns to get at the truth ! ’
29 Acceptance of any of the patterns of responsiveness outlined above will suggest that the bureaucracy is not likely to be particularly responsive to a largely unorganized ‘ general public ’ and , in most contemporary forms of democracy much will depend on the ability of the people 's representatives to publicize their grievances .
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