Example sentences of "people that have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 and it 's not people that have eaten , not certainly not the restaurant , what should I say
2 He values the situations and people that have enabled him to be more himself , to find a dynamic fulfilment in the ability to express his deeper feelings , explore life further and evolve as a person .
3 He values the situations and people that have enabled him to be more himself , to find a dynamic fulfilment in the ability to express his deeper feelings , explore life further and evolve as a person .
4 Think of people that have influenced you in the past , and got you to do things , which , if you look back , and you think , that was very clever .
5 they made the area around the reactor a non living area , the problem is of course people that have lived there for a long time do n't want to move and so over
6 As a works convenor , I work along twenty shop stewards , and I can tell this Congress that the message that they 've given to me from the people from the people that have elected them , is that they 're sick and tired of the perpetual bleating of the T U C about how they have to abide by the laws , when the only laws that are there are the laws that are bringing this movement down .
7 But as well as all the companies — and there is a host of Cambex Corps and IPL Systems Incs just under the tall poppies of the IBM marketplace , there are thousands and thousands of individuals who must now feel devalued in a deeply demoralising way , people that have made it their life 's work to understand everything there is to know and understand about IBM and its mainframe products , who now find that all that hard-won knowledge is a rapidly wasting asset — not just industry commentators and pundits who will soon find that the market ca n't bear any more ‘ Into the Big Blue Yonder : the Decline and Fall of an American Icon ’ books , but an unsung army of data processing managers who now feel they are too old to start again and learn something new and fundamentally different virtually from scratch , and will instead sink back into the anonymity of early retirement .
8 Anyone who 's vigilant knows what 's going on and they 're aware of what 's happening , so again it , it shows that we must do something as they said on that motorway , the thing to do when you feel yourself going into drow drowsiness is , is stop the car perhaps , get out and have a walk round , do something , I know I , er in the past when I 've felt myself going off to sleep in those situations , I 've been pinching myself and , and really making yourself do something rather than just sitting there doing nothing , cos that 's the way we just go off and get lowered into sleep and our lives are involved in this , we 've read and heard about people that have gone to sleep on motorways have n't they ?
9 er people that have behaved more er better you know they , they may be only fined or whatever and er although it 's a revolution , I mean it 's a rise of an association of a a power to sort of , to erm to counteract landlord power so become this sort of balance almost .
10 and now the er , they 're not paying back , and the houses have come down and so what people are doing , or some people that have bought these houses , they 're just giving the keys back and repossessing the house
11 You know I mean because all the people that have come to show support and er solidarity have done it er I mean we 've been very aware you know the quarry men have actually said you know no we do n't want you to actually block the land rovers we do it our own way and erm you know there 's been no out of control mass picketing or violence or anything like that .
12 People that have come in contact with him so should be
13 But er I think , people that have got so much now feel they have n't got enough .
14 We we then actually go over to paragraph five five , which refers to the fact that output related funding , has an effect on Horizons , because essentially we 're dealing with people that have got special training needs .
15 The important thing is to make sure that those people that have got those particular skills are given those roles to be able to perform that role perform use those skills .
16 and you find erm people like Lynn you know , bless her , who now , who is n't too bad when she 's not too bad and is n't too good when she 's not too good , you know , and it is such a very very Not only can you not put anything visibly in in common with everyone that 's got it , even the people that have got it ca n't say I can not do this period , they say oh well I 'm not too good now but maybe last week or maybe next week
17 Well people that have got it
18 and they 're putting them into auction and the people that have got spare money
19 Maidstone chairman John Waugh , who bought the club just three weeks ago , said : ‘ I feel desperate for the people that have worked so hard for the club .
20 the people that have left are sort of in the recession and that now , there 's all the really big business people and that that have come down to the same level as everybody else .
21 ‘ You 've been Framed ’ is a show where people that have filmed something funny on video sent it in and can win money if the audience thinks its very funny .
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