Example sentences of "people [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is the same battle , in a new form , which dates centuries back , and which finds support from peoples all over the ‘ Third World ’ who have been fighting and dying for too long for something which is so clearly their birthright .
2 They formed a strand in the cultural tradition which drew the different peoples together in the formation of the Yugoslav Movement of the early nineteenth century .
3 By the ninth century the Magyars had settled around the river Dnepr , north of the Crimean Peninsula , having been expelled outwards by that movement of Asian tribes which rolled peoples westwards for a thousand years .
4 The hall would become alive with people rather like a railway terminus , and at the heart of the seeming chaos , controlling and directing , helping and explaining , were the staff of the reception desk .
5 The valleys will have nobody working at all , there 'll be no one paying insurances , no income tax , so where is the money going to come for future pensions for people right through the country .
6 ‘ I believe that in BNFL we have the very highest calibre of people right through the organisation .
7 I think what we actually want is more people who are more in tune with working people and their hopes , and their dreams and their aspirations , and tha in , in parliament , in the House of Commons than we 've got at the moment and so the motion I 'm putting forward which is to propose that we actually look at the Parliamentary Panel and make sure we get a few decent shop stewards in the House of Commons , a few people who got experience of actually being on the shop floor , a few people who got experience in the last fourteen years , that the last four Conservative governments have actually tried and defend and fight for the interests of working people right down the grass root , those are the people that we actually need in the House of Commons and we shall be looking at our Parliamentary Panel and we shall be looking at it very seriously to ensure that we get those sort of people onto that Parliamentary Panel and those sort of people into the House of Commons , that 's the best way to represent working people in Britain today and that 's the sort of contribution the G M B should be making .
8 ‘ The danger otherwise in many companies is of top management being cut off from people right at the front end . ’
9 We 're speaking for working people in this country and we are a reliable indicator of the feelings , the dreams , the hopes of working people right across the country and any party that attempts to divorce itself from an organization such as ours , that attempts to speak for working people will lose its way .
10 We had known these simple people only since the previous day , they had no proof that I too was not an enemy , but their action was typical of the whole attitude of the German people .
11 There were three people only in the school : myself , the young man and my driver .
12 Erm and this can leave people obviously with a number of traumas and a number of difficulties to deal with later on in life .
13 ‘ I do n't know if it should be that important if everything we do is based on good sound scientific principles , because if people perhaps in the same industry are situated in different places in the estuary , y'know , if one was to point the finger at the other and say ‘ But you allow him to discharge such and such and you only let us do this ’ , then we should be able to turn round and say , ‘ Ah yes , but you 're discharging in a different place and the river quality in this different place needs different treatment . ’
14 Situated between the two levels will be 19 hospitality boxes with full catering facilities for up to 200 people together with a club lounge and offices .
15 He brings two people together with the right balance of gifts and abilities and sufficient tension in their tastes , ideas and opinions to draw the best out of each other .
16 so that 's done some work on that , and there 's now four models for training , one is the , you know , on the job , evenings , training , there 's the weekend model of getting people together for the weekend , there 's the sort of summer school idea and the other one 's the one that Doug keeps reminding me about , which I keep forgetting about which is the distance learning one , er we , I think this is the one he thinks is running in Dundee , that maybe help with because the idea of developing a pack which is kind of trainer proof
17 It had been started with two friends by Adrian Cotterell , Polytechnic journalism drop-out , and although the two friends had themselves dropped out after the first twelve months Cotterell had managed to keep enough people together for the place to stay in business .
18 Rather than having to get people together in a
19 ‘ Some 20 million South Africans , black and white , ’ continued Dr Bacher , ‘ will be able to see the cricket on this tour live on TV , and will see how cricket has brought people together in the West Indies .
20 Sometimes the doorway would have an entrance passage to protect the people inside from the wind .
21 The recession is hitting young people hardest in the North-East with unemployment among under 25s growing faster than across the working population as a whole , said Steve Pickering , regional secretary of the General , Municipal and Boilermakers Union .
22 Partly it is a primary addictive disease of some family members who are addicted to " fixing " or " helping " other people regardless of the consequences to themselves or to those other people whom they seek to help .
23 Rita Vail explains : ‘ They overcome the creasing problem and introduce people gently to the luxury of pure linen .
24 Nowadays , people all over the world unequivocally reject the idea of gulags , yet they are still willing to let themselves be hypnotised by totalitarian poesy and to march to new gulags to the tune of the same lyrical song piped by Eluard when he soared over Prague like the great archangel of the lyre , while the smoke of Kalandra 's body rose to the sky from the crematory chimney .
25 Our advisory services answer thousands of queries from people all over the country .
26 It was the wedding of the century , the fairy tale that excited , fired and fascinated people all over the world .
27 People all over the country eat vegetables grown in Scarisbrick .
28 People all over the world were asked to offer this prayer for one minute each day at midday so that there would be a continuous vigil of prayer for peace throughout the earth .
29 And as the Western media talks about a 3rd World War starting in the Gulf , millions of people all over the world know that the Third World War started long before the battle in the Gulf .
30 I saw lots of British people all over the stadium , waving huge Union Jacks .
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