Example sentences of "people [Wh pn] [verb] seen " in BNC.

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1 A very nice letter it was too , but just one of many from people who had seen me on television .
2 In a country where gestures are important , the official playing of the anthem at Ellis Park was insensitive to many people who had seen the very acceptance of the tours as a major compromise .
3 One because the nation was sort of a people who had seen themselves homeless from these start and God had given them a home so they took special care of sojourners and aliens , and secondly , I think , because they had an enlightened attitude towards debt .
4 People who 've seen it say it makes the hair stand up on the back of their necks . ’
5 These are the people who have seen her through the difficult times , who have helped her adjust to the life before her and who have kept her in touch with the real world .
6 People who have seen the Helmund poppy fields speak of their beauty — mile after mile of even poppies , like the tulip fields of Holland .
7 Diplomatic missions and political initiatives do n't mean anything to these young people who have seen only more oppression as Israel speaks of peace .
8 No further reports have been documented , but possibly people who have seen a replay of the awful scene wish to remain silent not wishing to discuss the macabre subject .
9 All such changes are related not only to people 's work lives but to the decisions of ( often multinational ) house building companies ; the latter increasingly investing in ‘ up-market ’ houses and retirement homes for people who have seen the value of their home rapidly increase .
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