Example sentences of "people [prep] the world " in BNC.

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1 The issue is far more complicated and it is only fair to note that we have not reached a stage of knowledge when we can easily say what explains the status of women among the different peoples of the world .
2 May we not waste our lives in jealousy and greed , but play our part in working towards a more just and equitable future where resources can be divided equally between all the peoples of the world .
3 So guide the United Nations that by word and deed it may promote your glory and establish peace and goodwill among the peoples of the world .
4 In the Old Testament , after the Great Flood , we 're told that God sent his rainbow as a sign of his agreement or covenant , that he would never again attempt to destroy the peoples of the world .
5 In comparison with other peoples of the world , Latin Americans read newspapers more than watching television , but less than listening to the radio .
6 The reality was the creation of competitive world empires , the essence of which was a denial of the right of the majority of the peoples of the world to national self-determination , let alone to popularly elected governments .
7 On the television screen in my home I watched the muscles on George Bush 's face contract , and listened to his voice , dry and unfeeling , as he informed the peoples of the world that the war on Iraq had begun : to liberate Kuwaiti people , punish aggression , and ensure that a new world order , based on peace and security , would be established for all peoples no matter how small .
8 But ultimately we shall have to face the facts about whether or not whaling is acceptable to the peoples of the world or not .
9 And of course the peoples of the world are intensely divided on the issue .
10 The founders ' concern was to reverse the popular view of computers as a threat rather than a benefit to the peoples of the world .
11 World Environment Day will serve as a symbol of international ecological solidarity by bringing together representative groups who will draft a letter to all the peoples of the world with concrete recommendations for safeguarding the planet .
12 Most peoples of the world do not , in their conservative heart to hearts , like foreigners and display feelings of hostility ( often tinged with fear ) towards them .
13 For all its faults , it can at least be said for the modern world that it has produced a substantial body of articulate opinion that blends passion with compassion in its concern for the impoverished and starving peoples of the world .
14 Goody himself in a later essay points out that ‘ at least during the last 2,000 years the vast majority of peoples of the world ( most of Eurasia and much of Africa ) have lived in neither kind of situation , but in cultures which were influenced in some degree by the circulation of the written word , by the presence of groups or individuals who could read or write ’ ( 1968 , p. 4 ) .
15 These two dimensions provided the basis for the first coherent theories about the connections between the peoples of the world .
16 The atomic age , Gorbachev suggested , required a ‘ new way of political thinking ’ , above all the recognition that all the peoples of the world lived in a ‘ vulnerable , rather fragile but interconnected world ’ .
17 His revolutionary vision and empathy with the oppressed peoples of the world led to his involvement in social movements in the United States , Britain , Africa and the Caribbean .
18 Ever since 1914 , when the great majority of the leaders of social democratic parties in Europe supported the war effort of their own nation states — under a variety of influences , one of which was undoubtedly the nationalist fervour of the peoples involved — the capacity of the socialist movement to bring about a new kind of political relationship among the peoples of the world has seemed more questionable ; and the doubts have multiplied not only as a result of the course taken by the revolution in Russia , culminating in the project of building ‘ socialism in one country ’ , which eventually led to the identification of socialism with the national interests of the Soviet Union , but also in the light of the actual relations that developed between the communist countries in the postwar period .
19 There will be enormous pressure from the poorer peoples of the world as they seek to improve their situations by moving into more affluent countries .
20 The deputies unanimously declared : " Immeasurable sorrow was caused by Germans to the peoples of the world during the time of National Socialism .
21 Peoples of the world .
22 The first efforts of the Bolsheviks were directed to overturning the traditional system of international relations , by the publication of the secret treaties signed during the war by the tsarist regime and by direct appeals , over the heads of their governments , to the peoples of the world for support .
23 As Charles Wolf points out there had been mounting Congressional criticism of the Administration 's alleged neglect of Asia and although the strength of Republican feeling had been resisted in the matter of China it was at the cost of a critical concession in Southeast Asia generally — Vietnam in particular — which accorded , nevertheless , with the sentiments and announced global purposes of US policy : to resist communism , to encourage free peoples throughout the world , and to strengthen democratic nations against aggression .
24 Native peoples throughout the world were also turned into a source of picturesque ethnic entertainment on railway stations .
25 The number of peoples in the world who knew of these advantages and nevertheless persisted in rejecting them were few : to do so required a tenacity of purpose , an indifference to wealth and comfort which were not given to many .
26 Here , in splendid isolation , emerged a tribe of Polynesians who were prepared to address problems such as this , and who moreover were one of the few peoples in the world to develop a system of writing .
27 The traditional peoples in the world today , such as the Australian aborigines , are profoundly and naturally psychic and it is at least reasonable therefore to speculate that the ancient peoples were similarly sensitive , and would have been aware of earth energies as a natural part of their environment .
28 The dominant idea in the liberal ideology of English is that of ‘ universality ’ ; great literature is universally ‘ great ’ for different peoples in the world and at different times in history .
29 The new body undertook to defend " the right of self-determination of oppressed peoples around the world " .
30 We are also determined to raise standards in our inner city schools , to crack down on truancy , and to help prepare young people for the world of work .
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