Example sentences of "these [vb mod] have be " in BNC.

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1 Although some of these may have been cases of a genuine change of religious commitment , in many I was given the strong impression that these were people who had come to the church regularly at the time when they were building their political careers but who had subsequently fallen away and now professed no strong denominational attachment .
2 The very first of these may have been held in Burrell 's Hall off the High Street , but two years later , Glasgow 's first Concert Hall was cobbled together .
3 The aqueous micelles comprising droplets of 1-octanol stabilised by octanoate ( surfactant is generated upon addition of sodium permanganate , which oxidises the alcohol to give the salt ) , could have biological relevance , because these may have been among the first prebiotic structures able to self-replicate .
4 Hunches these may have been , but they were almost always right — critical theory may not have the language to describe this method of discovering homosexually-relevant material , but as a subcultural practice , a particularly attuned set of decoding skills , it undoubtedly exists , as I and any other gay person can testify .
5 These may have been possible in the days of full staffing and adequate resources .
6 People such as these may have been enslaved as a result of capture in war or through failure to meet legal obligations ; the scale of the practice is unclear ( Davies 1982 , p. 66 ; Sawyer 1978 , p. 173 ) .
7 It may be that the temples , through their bureaucracy , were able to set quotas on production in the rural villages ; these may have been specified taxes , or tribute , or they may have been expressed as required offerings .
8 These may have been used for normal , secular water supply , or they may have had some cult use .
9 Although both of these may have been indirect or possibly unintended consequences of the legislative change , homosexuality was still open to interpretation in law as immoral and corrupting .
10 Continuing our top-down approach to discourse , it is logical that having identified the sender and receiver , the discourse type and the parts within it , we should turn our attention to organization within parts of the discourse — however these may have been identified and defined .
11 From a commercial viewpoint , this was clearly intolerable , although socially these may have been lines in very remote areas where rail was an important link .
12 One of these may have been the Ukrainian Division though it was not mentioned in the definition order .
13 The two cases that have been mentioned occurred about ten years afterwards , and these may have been removed against their will .
14 It is hard to imagine , though , how the non-performing members of the companies memorized the more intricate turns of the refrains in the Florentine manuscript , but then these may have been instrumental improvisations .
15 These may have been farmsteads or hamlets , but they were certainly not large or extensive enough to be villages , whatever their status or internal arrangements .
16 banks of suitable investigations ( these may have been produced in relation to other examinations or tests ;
17 This would not necessarily occur for the risk ratings since these may have been initially quite high because of the drivers ’ unfamiliarity with the car when giving the first ratings .
18 If one remembers that the rebels had sympathizers in London , although these may have been partly alienated from them by the disorders , it is all the more remarkable how quickly the city authorities reasserted their control and obtained substantial support .
19 These may have been real people , but they were n't real Nazis .
20 1989 : 289–90 ) we acknowledged that these ought to have been an ‘ irresistible combination ’ ; yet too often they failed to deliver their potential because of a lack of linkage between the key elements , particularly between advisory staff , heads , PNP coordinators and class teachers .
21 Although the royalists later alleged that the rebels had that morning received ‘ a double portion of oatmeal and whisky for incouragement ’ and that a ‘ graite many … that we took prisoners were drunk ’ , these must have been a fortunate minority , but everyone agrees that the prospect of action had had a reviving effect on even the hungriest and weariest .
22 Such stories as these must have been common in all religious communities , but the constant recurrence of these themes in Eadmer 's recollections leaves the impression that his thoughts , and those of the monks with whom he had lived since his infancy , were centred almost exclusively on their relics , and on the stories of the gifts , purchases , translations , and miracles associated with them .
23 Furniture and furnishings in Parma show a strong French influence , too , being Parmesan adaptations of the Empire style ; and the local dialect has numerous words which are purely French ( although these must have been imported at an earlier time , perhaps under the Bourbons in the eighteenth century ) — armoir for armadio ( a wardrobe ) , vin for vino , boucho for tappo ( a cork ) , artichaut for carciofo ( an artichoke ) , and so on .
24 Among these , there is much for which it is likely that performances could never have been contemplated by whatever scratch ensembles could furtively be gathered at clandestine celebrations held in recusant households ; these must have been composed simply as an act of faith .
25 Underneath this she wore black cotton trousers — ideally these should have been made of silk , but she felt sure no one would notice .
26 Given that the decision has now been taken by Parliament to extend the law to cover recordings , broadcasts and cable programmes , it may be wondered whether the exemption for these should have been automatically carried over into the new law .
27 Collected elsewhere , these might have been written off as terrestrial contamination .
28 Even this proved insufficient to cover all cases , and so the class was enlarged to embrace ‘ other men ’ possessing incomes from land of 200 marks a year ( 1510 ) or £200 ( 1533 ) ; these might have been merchants or any other persons whose wealth was of recent acquisition .
29 These might have been held to be missing links in a chain of which the links were very small in some places , and large ( so far ) in others ; but this idea conflicted with the notion that God would have created the best of all possible worlds , which should therefore not change over time since all change must be for the worse .
30 For all I knew these could have been the men behind the call to my father , the men come to shoot my brother .
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