Example sentences of "these [noun pl] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 There is intrinsic interest in these skills and they exemplify in different ways a family that includes speech production and certain industrial activities .
2 Self employed business people also find that they need these skills if they are to succeed in , for example , obtaining more money from the bank , winning a vital contract , gaining the commitment of staff .
3 Its arms clutched these objects as they were individually passed up the ladder to its niche : followed by its disembodied head , with a physiognomy very close to that of the photographs of the deceased .
4 NOESY distance constraints were not imposed in these cases since they contribute little towards the determination of the dodecamer conformation once the sugar puckers have been fixed .
5 Children need to know what to do in these cases if they are to get at the truth , and they also need to be shown that print is not necessarily infallible .
6 We have detailed accounts of the hearing of some of these cases and they , as much as anything , reinforce the opinion that Innocent himself was a very considerable lawyer .
7 Members of the group will come to expect one another to conform to these patterns if they wish to remain members of it .
8 More and more tents are coming onto the market which do not necessarily conform to these definitions but they will rely predominantly on one system for their stability .
9 After a letter to the Home Secretary in 1934 complaining that the IFL speakers had stated at these meetings that they would clear all Jews out of the country , and if this was not possible they would starve them and murder them , Special Branch reported that a Mr Pipkin and a Mr Smith of the IFL , both about twenty-one years of age , had made reckless and rash statements at such occasions .
10 Now what we have to know is whether or not they are in fact getting these contracts because they are the best and the cheapest , or whether they are getting it because they have the best connections and they are paying the most money .
11 So all these Pakistanis and they ca n't vote ?
12 This will include how pupils will use their keyword searches in finding information from the microcomputer and then how they use these keywords when they follow up references to books and other materials .
13 We may well endorse the saying regarding him who had so much to do with road-making in the Highlands and islands ; ‘ if you had seen these roads before they were made you would have blessed brave General Wade , ’ and wish prosperity to the Highland Railway Company .
14 Well I went dow back down the Road cos there was a traffic jam and er I sort of went down oh sorry mate went down a road like which I thought was a good short cut , and they 've got a lot of these roads and they 've put like pavements across the end of them with bollards , and I went back and then there was a traffic jam and I got stuck because they were unloading a lorry so I 've been er basically pissed about .
15 The figures produced by the County Surveyor in a September nineteen ninety one committee report , show anticipated traffic changes at six points on these roads as they pass through Harrogate and Knaresborough .
16 So I er we used to catch these blackbirds and them in a and pull the string and they used er try and catch them and we used to we used to kill them and and pluck them
17 Many private practises wo n't treat these groups and they may find it hard to get a local dentist in future .
18 The granting of an individual right of petition to the European Commission and Court of Human Rights permitted individuals complaining of breach of the protection of civil rights in the Convention to go to these institutions if they failed to obtain redress through the UK courts .
19 There 's tremendous concern within the area erm at the targets that have been set for house building and in particular for er industrial space erm I think office space is now coming back into more of an equilibrium situation , but erm I 'm very pleased to see that er with these proposals as they stand , we would have no difficulties in approving their , the plan .
20 We could devise alternative definitions of these phenomena but they are not likely to be any more helpful than those we have .
21 Er , quite often on real projects people produce these plans and they get out and work to that and never had to pause to think , this is a good one , this is a bad one .
22 Formerly all these levels held greater totals of these birds than they do today , and in addition attracted numbers of Mallard , Pintail , Shoveler and , at Amberley , Pochard .
23 79/80 class lists are included with these notes where they were not personally collected on the 21st June .
24 Savacentre stocks these products because they have more space .
25 It is important to review all these methods as they figure so strongly in the consciousness of people when they think of discipline .
26 Further details will be given on these pictures when they become available .
27 The beginning of the poem came from these images but they in turn roused other images from his past reading .
28 This does not necessarily imply acceptance of these images since they may be seen as unacceptable in their own right .
29 It is not even a question of God inspiring people to exploit these opportunities when they arise .
30 There was no fee involved for either of these speakers as they were each on the Establishment of the host Borough .
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