Example sentences of "these [noun pl] but [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Now the advice a few years er be from the s solicitor was not in quite the the th precisely these words but if somebody was leaving , I mean if the wife was leaving the husband , the instructions were basically Love , get your furniture out , hide it somewhere , and argue about who owns what afterwards .
2 We have all had these emotions but when they reach such a pitch that our suppression of them can not cope , we explode , turning against whoever or whatever is in our way in an attempt to destroy it .
3 He said I used to laugh at my Dad when he used to do these quizzes but when
4 While I sympathize with the caller from West Calder , I feel we pay poll tax as well to cover all these things but when I bought my house , my solicitor had me in for two hours and went through all my obligations under the title deeds part of was , that I had to pay one three hundredths of keeping the open areas clean and tidy plus grass cutting .
5 Dr Maria Hari was , however , keen to point out that the training was not simply a summary of these professions but that conductors were unique products of a complex system .
6 That is what annoys about it or fair enough if they have n't got any money they get these handouts but when they 're working and they still get them that 's when I think it 's wrong !
7 But it , yeah , I mean I quite take all of these qualifications but if sh if you take the first couple of paragraphs does n't it seem to be a call to , to radical land reform ?
8 I mean I do n't think you can it 's alright having all these players but if you he does n't seem
9 Oddly enough , it was not during one of these silences but while she was talking that her eyes closed and her shallow breathing became deeper .
10 The client is not voluntarily engaging in these proceedings but as he strongly denies the charges he has no option but to defend himself .
11 Great weight is still given to both of these factors but since the mid-1970s even higher qualifications have not guaranteed continued employment .
12 The government did not accept fully these recommendations but as we have seen they gave councillors the choice between claiming an attendance allowance or financial loss allowance .
13 Resistance , other than to the organocholorines , is confined so far to only five important malaria vectors so the potential for chemical control still exists in many parts of the world It is very easy to advocate the use of alternatives to these chemicals but if you examine those for vector control in detail you will find that most are directed against the aquatic stages of the mosquito and few cases of adequate malaria control by such an attack on any significant scale can be cited .
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