Example sentences of "these [noun] in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It contains no reading or written work , so that children who are just learning to read and write can concentrate on developing these skills in their own language first .
2 Pupils would then be encouraged to practise and develop these skills in their own projects .
3 She looked at these objects in my hands for some time and then raised her eyes to my face .
4 She disapproves of a great deal of Charles 's life , these days ; she thinks his ambitions misplaced , his goals suspect , his methods dangerous , his new political alignments deplorable : but she is loyal to Charles , to Charles himself , to the man that these manifestations in her view misrepresent .
5 A kind thought , but one which suggests that the ‘ fault ’ lies with the ‘ ignorant ’ official and no one else , that the whole affair was an exceptional accident rather than one product of a carefully constructed machinery which demands these attitudes in its operators .
6 Elisabeth Leonskaja opts for the second of these views in her performance of No. 1 , and the deliberate- sounding first movement that results is not altogether convincing .
7 What is more , these helices in their turn aggregate , rather than disperse as bacterial cells in fluid culture usually do , and give a living , growing structure .
8 Laboratory experiments comparing " dreamers " with " non-dreamers " have shown that there is little difference between these groups in their EEG/EOG patterns while asleep.3,4 In all subjects there was the same orderly sequence of sleep stages , with REM sleep periods recurring at about 90-minute intervals throughout the night .
9 These activities in themselves are no different from the kind of activities often found in books of exercises , but here the context is crucially different .
10 The author concludes by suggesting ways in which teachers can use and develop these activities in their own classroom .
11 Neither could the evolutions of these institutions in themselves explain anything , since , in the perspective outlined above , these were mere side effects of a more fundamental order .
12 They could quite easily form part of the agenda for the annual review of these institutions in their new roles .
13 Girls of fourteen and fifteen described to me these conflicts in their own families .
14 When people kiss , they exchange not only these secretions in their saliva , but also sebum , which is produced by glands around the mouth after puberty .
15 Yet these signs in themselves emphasise the provisional nature of the Kingdom , because all of those who were healed in the New Testament subsequently became sick and died .
16 Conversely , we may combine two or more of these operations in one more powerful instruction .
17 It lacks the extensive mud-flats rich in marine invertebrates which attract these birds in their thousands to places like Morecambe Bay or the Washes of England .
18 Falteringly , I sought to express these misgivings in my conclusions to a number of papers , conclusions that certainly brought no joy to my more optimistic colleagues in an emerging human ethology rooted firmly in the objective analysis of behaviour sequences and components .
19 Look for these products in your high street stores or write for stockists and further information to Abbey Kapok & Fillings , .
20 Dean was too much of a cultural snob to get the message , but Balcon sought to emulate the success of these pictures in his more serious , dramatic movies .
21 I was drawing these pictures in my head of walking across a tightrope and falling into a chasm .
22 Nobody wants to admit , that the society we live in actually has these vipers in its bosom .
23 We must keep these words in their box behind glass .
24 The early Christian leader Origen commented on these words in his book On Prayer :
25 Jesus quoted these words in his own teaching about marriage .
26 So with these words in his mind , these snippets of words , he he he sat down .
27 Namibia continues to kill these animals in what is still variously called a harvest or a cull .
28 As she re-owned these characteristics in herself , she gave up smoking with ease .
29 Beside these books in my library is a copy of another book , ‘ Along My Line ’ , by a BBC mogul , Gilbert Harding , presented to me after our frequent meetings both in Canada and in London .
30 When you wipe away the spectre of communal singalongs and seriously hamfisted , guitar-drenched versions of these songs in their live incarnation from your eyes , what 's left — on the supercool tracks , at least — are lessons in intimacy , humanistic notions of caring and something approaching religious rapture ( the old adage , ‘ Do good , for the good you do will live after you ’ applies ) .
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