Example sentences of "just take [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There y'ar , Sergeant Joe , ’ beamed Mrs Beavis , ‘ this young lady 's our new lodger , she 's just took the front room , she 's just come over from France .
2 It was I just took the last one on Saturday , and I then threw the
3 ‘ I believe everyone has innate creativity ’ she confided in me , ‘ but with some it just takes a little bit of coaxing before it will surface ’ .
4 It just takes an ingenious mind and an ability to do crosswords and you can prove anything with words .
5 Obviously you ca n't just take a vocal line from some traditional Japanese album and put it straight into a heavy metal song because it 's not going to work !
6 Chris Patten is among the sceptics : ‘ Even if it ( investment ) were to be successful and encourage a 40 or 50 per cent increase in the use of rail , it would make damn-all difference to the growth in road traffic — it would just take a few percentage points off the top . ’
7 If you find your throat is dry and you need some water just take a few sips to moisten your mouth .
8 And when Mrs Amabel Dallam remembered to pay her for all those wedding chemises she might just take a few shillings to a certain bazaar in Leeds where she 'd heard good dress-lengths were to be had at bargain prices and make herself a new dress for Christmas .
9 We 'll just take a short cut .
10 I think if you 'll excuse me I 'll just take a little nap .
11 Why do n't you hop up on to the examination couch and I 'll just take a quick listen to baby 's heart and take your blood pressure , then afterwards I 'm sure Sister will be only too happy to show you around our labour ward and let you take a look at the facilities we have available .
12 I 'll just take the two , and Billy 'll take them out the next week .
13 What , what we need to do we 've got a handout for you on this so you can spend more time looking at yourself , or what you need to do is you need to compare your scores against those rather than just take the highest one .
14 It may just be an extremist minority within a minority that would take offence , but one company told PEN it would rather just take the easy way out and not have pigs .
15 If it was me I 'd just take the bloody thing out and have a look at it .
16 Do n't just take the basic subject today .
17 ‘ Secondly , let's just take the educational side of things .
18 Okay so if we 'd have started off I mean we can just take the constant straight out .
19 nine , ten , why do n't you just take the whole bank
20 If it 's just left like that I shall just take the whole lot and dump it in the dustbin !
21 They were out there , it just took a long time to find them .
22 However , the seeds had been sown in my mind — they just took a long time to grow !
23 She 'd never been the crying sort — but it just took a few well-chosen words from him to reduce her to a jelly .
24 He just took a calculated risk on the spur of the moment .
25 ‘ I just took an instant shine to him .
26 you do n't to go to 'em for and they say , well you just took the bloody off me , I want a cut in me .
27 I reckon he just took the easy way out . ’
28 Er it seems to me that erm there are probably quite a few policies in the structure plan that could be omitted if we just took the all the P P Gs as read .
29 background , I do n't understand that about you 're probably dazzled , you 're probably dazzled by , it might slow down , because de-programming has probably just took the old one , and just made it
30 They 're just taking a well-earned break from publicising the Lifeline Africa Appeal that 's just been launched by the Northampton-based charity , World Vision .
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