Example sentences of "just having [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And Wright , whose misery over the weekend was compounded when he wasted a glorious chance to rescue a point for Arsenal , added : ‘ Some people are just having a go at me for the sake of it and it 's beginning to get to me . ’
2 It was great to see so many climbers just having a go and obviously enjoying themselves .
3 Your black , I was just having a go .
4 So she were just having a crumpet , she 's but butter were all melting , I says I can just picture now running down your chin and
5 I 've no idea I 'm just having a butchers .
6 Just having a look . ’
7 He had no particular object in mind , but was just having a look around .
8 Y yes we 're just we 're just having a look at the the spellings at the moment trying to make some sense of them .
9 Erm just before we break , erm it might be worthwhile just having a look at a few examples .
10 No damage , no mischief , just having a look .
11 Hmm no I was just having a look .
12 And I heard the bathroom window open and I went in there , I was just having a look , admiring my little shed roof there !
13 ‘ I was just having a word with Personnel , ’ he explained .
14 I was just having a word with one of your colleagues here trying to take up what Mr 's point was and I think we 've come up maybe with a compromise , is that we call him the County Public Protection Officer .
15 I 'm just having a polio erm
16 Er right , I 'm just having a check to see whether , Scott is it half past ten ?
17 Many teachers , I have found , can remember from their own schooldays the shock and guilt they felt when a teacher finally broke down in the face of what , to the class , had seemed to be ‘ just having a bit of fun ’ .
18 I think it 's just having a bit of erm
19 Hello , yeah , Betty 's number , I 'm just having a recording done of me while I 've been in Harlow I 'm having it done now , yeah , er so I ca n't stop alright ? alright , bye , bye .
20 Not just having a majority in parliament to govern you and that was being described at that particular time by the Tory government that their majority would be adequate they had a majority of twenty one .
21 ‘ She 's just having a grumble , ’ he reassured Philip .
22 Just having a think , " Aunt Tossie said when Nicandra roused her with a gentle nudge .
23 They 're just having a just having a review and they 've told Mick that his lads are going to be civilianised .
24 Surely in a way I 'm answering my own point , you would have to go beyond just having a set of words on paper which says we have a major exceptions policy .
25 I 'm just having a walk round this way .
26 I was just having a game .
27 He 'd had to walk on for quite a bit after that and it was quite late in the day when it occurred to him that the villagers had probably been just having a joke with him and that they would no doubt be feeling anxious by then and starting to worry .
28 Just having a cremation
29 Just having a cook-up , ’ he sniffed , reaching for a pot bubbling on the gas stove .
30 Just having a French lesson .
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