Example sentences of "just one [coord] two " in BNC.

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1 But this novel has not just one but two barmen who could also at a pinch be hailed as lords of language .
2 ST CECILIA 'S DAY this year has prompted not just one but two brand new recordings of Purcell 's delightful Ode for celebrating that day in 1683 , Welcome To All The Pleasures , while earlier this year there was yet a third .
3 I agree that the effect of Spitting Image 's caricature on Steel 's relationship with Owen was such that , as I commented at the time of the collapse of the Alliance , it was the only television programme that could claim to have brought down not just one but two political parties simultaneously .
4 • Scotland 's Sunday Mail managed to satisfy quite a few fishkeepers ' preoccupations by combining beer and fish in not just one but two stories .
5 In the Soviet view , pre-war developments pointed unmistakably towards not just one but two revolutions .
6 Again , we welcome that , but is it not sad that it comes 12 years after this Government were elected and after not just one but two Secretaries of State since I have been a Member of Parliament have been influenced because of criticism of tobacco advertising and irresponsible elements in the tobacco industry ?
7 So this in a sense tends to reinforce the idea of these households with just one and two people living in them .
8 A whole range of pieces is available in this classic colour combination , but just one or two items in a room would look attractive .
9 There ai n't no clouds in the sky — just one or two wispy ones right above my head , but it 's still blummin cold .
10 If you have never dieted before , or have had just one or two unsuccessful attempts , please do not start on the ‘ yo-yo ’ of losing weight , gaining weight , losing weight that we described earlier .
11 Typically these hoards have just one or two third-century coins , and a majority of second-century ones .
12 You can select your accommodation from any of the hotels featured in this brochure ( with just one or two exceptions , where parking is either very limited or impossible .
13 How can you prevent the discussion from becoming dominated by just one or two people ?
14 A great number of small prizes rather than just one or two big prizes gives more winners and more satisfaction .
15 That is , do all the muscle cells descend from just one or two ancestral muscle cells ?
16 It is more usual to see individual carp , or just one or two together .
17 Just one or two more routine questions , Louise . ’
18 Down Lord Street , they 'd have big hose-pipes out — not just one or two men but big gangs of men .
19 Unfortunately , Jimmy and his colleagues were pipped for the single promotion place by Charlton Athletic on goal average alone , in the most exciting finish to a 3rd Division South season in the history of our club , but it is perfectly possible to argue that , had Jimmy Wilde become available to Palace just one or two matches earlier , Palace would have crowned his first season with us with success .
20 Outings can be for just one or two residents to go somewhere they want to , or it may involve the whole staff and all the residents .
21 Libraries in the college sector usually have very small professional staff complements ( often just one or two , and only exceptionally more than half a dozen ) , which do not allow library management on a subject specialization basis .
22 The key is to reduce the size of the problem , and the plant includes a whole battery of physical processes that can be used to divide soil into fractions and concentrate the contamination into just one or two of these .
23 When just one or two people are left , the forfeits are returned .
24 To get maximum benefit in making your diet easy , speedy and healthy , obtain your dietary fibre from a wide range of cereal , fruit and vegetable foods rather than seeking to make up the total from just one or two very fibre-rich foods .
25 Luckily the majority ask for information on just one or two species .
26 It is fine to start off with just one or two very straightforward ones such as ‘ have my hair restyled ’ or ‘ buy a new dress ’ and perhaps ‘ take a holiday abroad next year ’ .
27 If just one or two Germans among that 50 per cent see it , and are thus prevented from forgetting the past , it may be worthwhile .
28 A wee bit of enterprise — and I 'm not advocating the selection only of people with flair , but just one or two to keep a proper balance — must pay dividends in the long run .
29 ‘ He must get his chance to show what he can do — and he must get it over a number of games , not just one or two like he did against Leeds and Manchester United . ’
30 It is a chance to build relationships with the kids and to get close to just one or two of them .
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