Example sentences of "just [conj] we have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's just that we have to see the hearth if we 're to know you 're in an old farmhouse .
2 It 's just that we have n't got any resistance to the kind of germs they 're used to .
3 It 's just that we have a little surprise for you and we did n't want Mr Woodentop spoiling it . ’
4 ‘ It 's just that we have n't found it yet . ’
5 But I 'll have to be very careful with it I I do expect , I would expect , that there would be inquiries for that kind of investment here erm it 's just that we have n't any major ones in the last couple of years of that type because the overall framework here is opposed to it .
6 But essentially all these tests do the same thing because they 're seeing whether the parameters that we estimate over the entire sample are robust over all sub-samples , right , we ca n't , we would n't bother testing over all sub-samples though we can do , it 's just if we have good reason to believe that behaviour in one sub-sample different for behaviour in another E G use er Chow test or equivalently a dummy variable on the intercept to see whether there was any change .
7 Just because we have been born and brought up to something does n't mean we will always value it .
8 A few people make the mistake of thinking that just because we have a politician on the programme , they 're going to see Weekend World , but that 's not our brief .
9 We can not be one hundred per cent sure that , just because we have observed the sun to set each day on many occasions , the sun will set every day .
10 Just because we have , a so called civilized nation that we live in that destroys the world , that destroys animals that destroys the environment we 're living in !
11 Just because we have few formal complaints , it does n't mean we have n't got a problem , ’ said Stuart Gray .
12 JUST because we have n't been seen in LINK for a while — it does n't mean its been quiet at Crediton !
13 My godmother — Helen — has given us such good premises and so many other advantages that it would be foolish to give in just because we have a bit of opposition . ’
14 Ideally , we would like to film during the morning of 13 June just after we have completed filming in York Minster .
15 ‘ We have rejected quality in expression , just as we have rejected quality in the buildings in which we work and educate . ’
16 ‘ We have rejected quality in expression , just as we have rejected quality in the buildings in which we work and educate . ’
17 An individual will go through the process just as we have outlined it already .
18 Different species of lemur occupy different living spaces just as we have seen with the guenons of the African forests .
19 Just as we have found it convenient to think of genes as active agents , working purposefully for their own survival , perhaps it might be convenient to think of memes in the same way .
20 We can say , too , that if there are large creatures in Loch Ness , then they would appear on sonar just as we have recorded them .
21 When men are hungry they require to eat ; just as we have done . ’
22 Just as we have the ebb and flow of seasons , each with its own appointed purpose ; just as the rest of night follows the activity of day , so too could there be vast seasons of the Mind , spanning aeons , which hold the world in balance , removing dead wood , and vitalizing and renewing harmony between all forms ?
23 Talking of the Shadow is , of course , a convenient shorthand , since we have many Shadow selves — just as we have many Egos — and some of these selves carry our repressed positive qualities .
24 Thus it might be possible to have quite separate words for , say , kills , killed , is killing , and so on , just as we have in English separate words for man ( male human ) and woman ( female human ) or people ( humans in the plural ) .
25 One assumption is that any intelligent species will in due course develop a technology , just as we have done .
26 We 've already seen that just as we have different tastes , so we all have different sensitivities .
27 Just as we have adopted an intuitive approach to the concept of set so we shall allow our intuition to guide us in the matter of whether or not an explanation is logically acceptable : to formalise the notion of acceptability would take us too far afield , into symbolic logic .
28 We write AK = KH as unc Just as we have done earlier , we can evaluate the n2 unknowns progressively .
29 Erm Romans verse and verse four you notice this text is taken from verse twelve , rejoice in the hope and then persevering prayer , but if you go into verse four , what it 's speaking about there , but just as we have in one body many , members , but the members do not all have the same function and then in six to eight he goes on to describe that we all have gifts do n't we differing according to the undeserved kindness given to us , whether er so forth and so faith , ministry , erm teaching , exhorting , all these different gifts , though sometimes if a particular brother or sister does n't have a particular gift and we think well you know that 's a bit hard going I ca n't seem to listen to them , that 's an area perhaps where we could erm be quivering could n't we , or complaining , especially about assignments , you might get speakers that come here from other congregations , and some are better than others are n't they ?
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