Example sentences of "good [noun pl] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Doreen Copas sends the good wishes of Herts members to trainee-teachers Rosemary Smith , who now has a class in St Albans , and Frances Judd .
2 The good wishes of Buddha go with you . ’
3 Are there any good reasons of substance for the Crown 's immunity from coercive orders ?
4 There may have been good reasons of prudence in all this .
5 AGAINST Poor Interface , with some odd key combinations Most of the planes ‘ feel ’ the same Lack of sense of a campaign Flight models are not very good BIRDS OF PREY is available from Electronic Arts ( 0753-549442 ) priced at £39-99 .
6 Vigorous gardening or housework can be good forms of exercise too .
7 Walks across December fields on crisp , bright days should produce good views of hares , but you 'll need your binoculars for these shy animals .
8 " I do hope we see some good views of puffins , " said Jane as we moved off from the mooring .
9 From here there are good views of Snowdon to the north-east .
10 At Nateby , the road to Keld turns out of the village to spiral upwards to the top of the pass with good views of Mallerstang Edge during the ascent .
11 There were now two miles uphill ahead of us with good views of mountain scenery .
12 This does not mean that better forms of work organisation should not be introduced simply because they are more expensive .
13 There are other good vignettes of people telephoning each other to say goodbye , huddling in corner stores and generally acting as they do in scary SF movies .
14 Reich argued , however , that over thousands of years these essentially good characteristics of humanity had been repressed .
15 By spreading nitrates it is possible to obtain good yields of wheat or barley , which take nitrogen from the soil .
16 It is the job of the record issuing companies to make and issue good recordings of music to the public who want those records : it is not the job of these companies to try to educate the public be delivering expensive and often long-winded lectures with their recordings .
17 The money Danica gave my mother was not enough to buy one of the better sorts of bicycle , but it was no good buying a cheap one as it would have to last me for years .
18 The way to greater profitability , then , lay in the direction of bringing in better sorts of people and , to ensure that , a careful eye had to be kept on what was actually shown in the cinemas .
19 the building of better channels of communication , both internal and external ;
20 The detection of insider dealing has increased ( although the conviction rate is still poor ) , and this is likely to be a reflection of better channels of detection rather than any upsurge in the problem as previously it was not a criminal offence ( and in some circles was regarded as a perk of the job ) .
21 While studying theology at Oxford he joined for a time the household of Robert Grosseteste [ q.v. ] , bishop of Lincoln , probably through the good offices of Adam Marsh , who described him as ‘ active , discreet , full of goodwill and devoted to the cure of souls ’ ( Mon .
22 I was pretty well broke by then , but thanks to the good offices of Msgr John Esseff , they were taken in by the Sisters of Charity , the Most Reverend Mother Teresa 's order , who hid them out in a convent in Spain .
23 Out of control it threatens to undermine a game dependent on the good offices of onlookers .
24 Joe had written to me suggesting that there was a post for me in Japan ( available through the good offices of Stephen Spender , who had just returned from there with a commission from the Dean of the Faculty of Letters at Tohoku University ) to go and teach English , in the poet-teacher tradition for which it was famous .
25 By the good offices of John Leveson-Gower , first Earl Gower [ q.v . ] ,
26 In 1853 , through the good offices of W. E. Gladstone and other Peelites in the ministry of G. H. Gordon , fourth Earl of Aberdeen , he was rescued from penury by an appointment as commissioner of income tax , retiring through ill health some time before his death .
27 He also ( at any rate while writing the first part of his book ) admired the young Charles , who consulted with his nobles and followed the good counsels of bishops .
28 The omniscient and all powerful Archbishop Laud sent for him and decided that ‘ it was for the advantage of the world that such mighty parts should be afforded better opportunities of study and improvement than a course of constant preaching would allow of ’ .
29 For example , it may be that some services ( or sectors ) have developed better indicators of quality or effectiveness than others , and that it may be possible to transfer their experience .
30 He decided to use the letter ; the editor of his gossip column astutely elected to buy himself into the good graces of Buckingham Palace by informing their Press Secretary .
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