Example sentences of "good [noun] of [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 That 's the good part of going to , The .
2 Or the initiator may be a tutor from an in-service teacher training department , a member of a child guidance unit or related school services involved in consultancy training , the school 's educational psychologist with good experience of working with teachers , interested staff from the local special needs or teachers centre , special schools or units or the LEA advisory team .
3 Can we actually pause there cos you 've done a good bit of digging on that one .
4 On 4 March he wrote : ‘ [ The breakfasts ] give me a good opportunity of studying that strange little genius who presides over us .
5 Not the young Francis either , in whom I stood a better hope of experiencing the odd happy memory , but Francis as I 'd last experienced him with the tang of his Lucky Strikes , last night 's whisky and dejection all togged up as joie de vivre .
6 So a cat entering your house and being welcomed there gave you the good luck of having the Devil on your side .
7 Well we set out with the good intention of taking her for a long walk this morning but er we changed our mind did n't we ?
8 The builders of the new machinery , principally the DES , do so with the good intention of putting the law into practice .
9 particular importance will be attached to providing good methods of displaying results .
10 But a good piece of attacking play from Weston .
11 There is a danger in the search for good practice of looking only at those schools with good academic records .
12 Now we need to develop the good practice of making sure that the client is there , to give rights and responsibilities back to vulnerable elderly clients within their family situation .
13 There were parties , but there was also a good deal of hanging out and late night discussion .
14 Because food preparation generally involves a good deal of doubling back to and from the refrigerator , sink , stove and different work surfaces , the walking distance between all the main work areas should not be excessive .
15 There was a good deal of plotting in the Cabinet , and amongst the dissident ex-Coalitionists .
16 For my twentieth century British Design retrospective exhibition , he lent me , with a good deal of fussing and commotion , his last remaining ‘ Heartsease ’ cup and saucer , a Wedgwood design of the early 1950s .
17 There was a good deal of quarrelling — an average of about eight fights , or potential fights , per hour .
18 There was n't much of that done in it , but a good deal of rendezvousing and sitting in the sun .
19 It was all going to take a good deal of sorting out .
20 Which he duly does — with his solicitor in attendance , and with a good deal of heckling .
21 There was good deal of heckling and questions thrown at him about the nature of democracy , free speech and freedom of the press .
22 The defeat , as was natural , led to a good deal of rumbling , particularly against the Conservative Central Office , where Davidson , the Chairman since 1927 , was far too much Baldwin 's own man to be a satisfactory lightning conductor .
23 None of them pushed their opposition to the point of resignation , although there was a good deal of muttering and discussion .
24 Many high-fibre fruits and vegetables , nuts and dry breakfast cereals ( shredded wheat , for instance , as opposed to porridge ) need a good deal of chewing before they can be comfortably swallowed .
25 ‘ We certainly do a good deal of counselling these days , ’ Rachel agreed .
26 There was a good deal of howling from her and a few overripe adjectives , but she was better padded than the seats of the Transit .
27 There was also an acceptance , as the implications were worked out later in the paper , that Terminal courses with ‘ a good deal of teaching at quite an elementary level ’ were ‘ a most important part ’ of the WEA 's work ; that university graduates , who usually had a narrow academic education , could benefit from the breadth of learning offered by the WEA quite as much as manual workers ; that courses in literature and the arts were clearly a valid part of the WEA 's total provision because they attracted new members , taught the processes of serious study and by enriching lives helped ‘ in raising the quality of the public which has the power of judgement upon those set in authority over it ’ .
28 After just an hour and a quarter the band said goodnight , and after a good deal of clapping and foot stamping Harry came back to one last song on his own .
29 A top-level decision to embark on a nuclear weapons programme … might well involve falsification of records and a good deal of covering up .
30 Women may have problems keeping weight down at the time of the menopause and after , and men and businesswomen have their own difficulties if their work involves a good deal of sitting at a desk or car wheel , and giving or receiving hospitality lunches .
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