Example sentences of "good [noun] on [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I think has probably got a better coverage on groups .
2 The 1989 awards are each worth £300,000 , 20 per cent more than last year , due to particularly good returns on investments made by the Nobel Foundation .
3 Beeney … not aided by appalling 1st half conditions , had an attack of the lukics , and was nt getting good direction on kicks , a lot of the time .
4 Even up to five gives you good practice on singulars and plurals ( and perhaps concord ) .
5 As I explained in the previous chapter , there is no export zone anywhere that has a good record on linkages , but few have a worse record than the maquila industry .
6 Good record on roads
7 While the institution I visited may not have been entirely ‘ typical ’ — indeed , was in a state with a relatively good record on prisons — the above observations highlight some of the difficult issues facing penal reformers in India .
8 The reason for that is that they 're in a very good position in the market now , they , they can negotiate very good deals on houses they 're buying , there 's a very good choice of properties available , people by the mid nineteen nineties will look back on nineteen ninety as probably the time to have bought , when house prices were at their cheapest .
9 Aidan was a better authority on women than any of the rest of them so they followed him willingly .
10 However bored I am with the election , my calling is to shine the light of the good news on areas of darkness , whether or not that makes me unpopular , no matter what colour No. 10 becomes !
11 This was supposed to give a better ride on curves , but was banned by the Board of Trade because of the danger to cyclists .
12 Provided the counties , or other entrepreneurs , do not try to fill the gaps with spurious additional games — a serious danger which must be avoided — they should be better prepared to play good cricket on pitches , moreover , which should also be better prepared .
13 ‘ On snow , nothing can go faster than a good man on skis . ’
14 It 's well run , there 's a good attendance , they 've got some very very good results on examinations this year , and of course this is all extra to their school work .
15 Good information on services .
16 Better information on benefits and services available as well as on how to cope with the particular condition of the person cared for .
17 There are some very good authors in the list , but recalling that there has never been a good book on poppies or penstemons , one might wish for a little more innovation in such lists .
18 Eight o'clock now , everyone gone , everything cleared up , pile of brown envelopes already in pillar box , reading this quite dense exceptionally good book on cities before 8.30 in the morning , get those seeds in today , but now vigorous black letters on smooth white page , really getting down to it ; all in gear , everything clicking in evenly going round , peace and activity suspended in an active stillness like a basket on a wave , Moses rocking in the rippling bullrushes all that coiled sleeping force .
19 Bus and Rail Holiday Cards give good discounts on tickets .
20 Another good idea on waters you know is to spend ten minutes in a swim you have never fished before — I always try and do this and every now and again a post which I have never even considered before has produced the goods .
21 There there is a good section , there 's a good section on pensions
22 Each time she looked up his eyes met hers and she was unable to put a good face on things .
23 It might well give her a better perspective on things if she could get right away for a short time .
24 ‘ Do n't be selfish ; do n't live to make a good impression on others ’ ( Philippians 2:3 in the Living Bible ) .
25 You can create a good impression on yourself by being right , he realizes , but for creating a good impression on others there 's nothing to beat being totally and catastrophically wrong .
26 But if you want to make a good impression on examiners , prospective employers or clients , the mastery of our unreasonable orthography is a necessity .
27 And this is where the second proposal is , that , there is again confusion between having a joint pol erm , a , erm , a joint policy group at chief officer level , and J C P T , and that again those should as it were combined , but that the arrangement could be s could be erm , kept as small and tight to encourage effective action as you move into joint commissioning , and that is bringing your budget alongside that of the Health Authority , and would be the best way to get erm , the best leverage on services that you can across that divide .
28 It is this sort of person who is always allowed the best seat on coaches , is given cigarettes , whose suggestions concerning strategies in conflict situations are always most heeded , and who is generally held in the highest esteem .
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