Example sentences of "only in the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The new ground that had to be broken in terms of the aerodynamics , structure , passenger handling facilities and runway bearing strength of these weighty monsters represents only a small fraction of the problems that beset the regulating authorities not only in the USA , where most of them are built , but throughout the world in all the places where they operate .
2 What is clear , however , is the widespread nature of the trend , not only in the USA which the 1980 Census confirmed , as shown in Figure 5.1 ( Cruickshank , 1981 ) , but also in Europe where Fielding ( 1982 ) concluded that in nearly all the countries of western Europe counterurbanization has replaced urbanization .
3 Electrical Insulation believes the potential throughout Europe and beyond is considerable with a similar product available only in the USA and Japan .
4 There can be no doubt that the policy of Republicans must be to ensure that everything is done to make this demand more strong , vigorously organised , widespread , well-expressed and heard not only in the North but in Britain and throughout the world .
5 Only in the Netherlands and Luxembourg can we perhaps speak of a party consensus on the reasons for support .
6 As might be expected when the large area in which Gaelic was widespread is considered , plant names may differ from place to place or be recorded in variant forms , and the choice ( in most cases ) of one name only in the Flora was extremely difficult .
7 For although Cabezón 's compositions first appeared in print in Luys Venegas de Henestrosa 's Libro de cifra ( figure notation ) nueva para tecla ( keyboard ) , harpay vihuela ( Alcala , 1557 ) , and the rest of them only in the Obras de musica published posthumously by his son ( Madrid , 1578 ) , no doubt many had been written as early as the lute pieces in Narvaez 's Delphin de musica ( Valladolid , 1538 ) .
8 The massive influx of Soviet Jews into Israel during 1990 increased tension further , with the USA opposing the settlement of Soviet Jews not only in the West Bank , but also in East Jerusalem [ for May Arab League and August ICO consideration of Soviet Jewish immigration see pp. 37472 ; 37668 ] .
9 If electrical power had not been restored around 8.30 a.m. the river would have suffered serious pollution not only in the Scorton area but also in Garstang and other places downstream .
10 Only in the Lepismatidae and the Pterygota , however , has the evolution of transverse biting movements of the mandibles led to the appearance of a strong rigid tentorium .
11 As things are going , the clarity and music of our language will remain only in the BBC sound archives .
12 There was a very strong rule that you do n't have alcohol on working premises , only in the BBC Club .
13 But many of us saw it as an approach which emphasised the need to allow the faith of Christ to be incarnated within particular culture and Sir Paul , the former Archbishop of New Zealand took the same stand point as a Maori , in his own address and called delegates present to speak and act as people of hope and to respond sensitively to economic and environment progility and isolation , not only in the Pacific but wherever they are .
14 On the other hand in the Lepidoptera and other Panorpoid orders the prolegs appear to have arisen independently in each group , they are absent or lack muscles in the more primitive Panorpoids , and only in the Lepidoptera do they become important locomotor structures ( Hinton , 1955 ) .
15 Her Black Sea fleet had by this time been destroyed , the allies had landed not only in the Crimea but also at Nikolaev to the west and Novorossiisk to the east , and the Turks retained a position at Sukhumi which gave them the chance of counter-attacking in the direction of Tiflis .
16 VideoCube costs $38,500 , and will be offered only in the US .
17 Only in the US Department of Defense does PPB continue to be applied with any great degree of success .
18 The latest move from the forces of oppression is to restrict mountain bikes to surface roads only in the New Forest ( where at least some of the riders will doubtless be subject to severe injury and death from motor vehicles ) .
19 Land drainage has also accelerated wind erosion , not only in the East Anglian fens , but also on the fine sands and silts of Lancashire , the Dee estuary , the Nottinghamshire carrs , and the Vale of York .
20 Only in the Maldives was Indian intervention generally welcomed [ see p. 37354 ] .
21 They will have noted the strong support for Maastricht not only in the Bundestag but also in the Bundesrat , the upper chamber representing Germany 's independent-minded Länder ( states ) .
22 He was very much loved by his owner Gordon ( who was tragically to die quite young ) but Hasso 's blood was to produce some very good animals , not only in the UK but also in Australia , America and Canada .
23 It is too early to estimate the value of this dog at stud in Scandinavia , but the litter sired in the UK has produced winners at Championship Show level , not only in the UK but also in Australia and Norway itself , for one of his sons Jagen Blue Brutally Handsome , was exported to Norway to the kennel of Mr T Lindstrome prior to Kolja 's arrival in Norway .
24 But it is not only in the UK where we must have a more positive attitude to science .
25 This is necessary in order to assist in achieving the equivalence of information available in respect of companies not only in the UK and Ireland but throughout the European Community .
26 In the face of recession , not only in the UK , large companies are clearly trying to keep strict control over costs .
27 It is not putting it too strongly to say that marriage is in crisis not only in the UK , but throughout the Western world .
28 The second CD , released on November 23 , features a re-working of the title track by Orbital , Joey Beltram 's mix of ‘ The Light That Burns Twice As Bright ’ , and a D-Ream overhaul of the band 's last 45 ‘ They 're Here ’ , previously available on white label only in the UK .
29 He sees growth — about 25% year on year , he reckons — coming mainly from ‘ small add-on acquisitions ’ , but only in the UK for the time being .
30 It costs £5,000 will be available only in the UK initially through Brentford , Middlesex-based distributor Merisel ( UK ) Ltd .
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