Example sentences of "give him an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Crosby Hall will give him an additional 30,000 sq ft of living space .
2 Moreover , the incentive to the departmental manager will completely disappear when he/she realises that there is no virement : Thus , even if he can reduce his capital charge by £500 per month , this will not give him an extra £300 to spend on other items .
3 He made himself as meek as a lamb , hoping perhaps that they would give him an extra morsel of food or some other favour .
4 When a man wished to know what a king should be like , his clerical advisers would give him an expurgated account of the careers of King David , King Solomon and King Hezekiah ; if a man aspired to be emperor , he might hear a little about Constantine and Theodosius and other imperial figures of the distant past ; but he would hear above all about Charlemagne .
5 It 'll give him an interesting pixie look for the rest of his life . ’
6 That could give him an extended , and perhaps productive , life as a county cricketer .
7 A ‘ stringer ’ is n't just a freelance — it 's a correspondent based away from head office whose local contacts give him an on-the-spot usefulness which far surpasses that of a reporter sent out from head office . ’
8 His name is Michael Marsden and he 's a local runner , so give him an encouraging word as you pass .
9 Give him an unknown society , any society , and he wanted in .
10 Gazza makes his Lazio debut against his old club and his Tottenham pals are n't going to give him an easy ride .
11 With his splendid physique and proud , noble head his presence is such as to give him an instant advantage over any bowler , and he has rarely failed to put that advantage to use ; spinners in particular have suffered at his hands , but when he decides that he wants to score runs it is virtually impossible to bowl to him .
12 The man was elevated and screened-in like an auctioneer , to deter attack and to give him an overall view of every part of the shop .
13 Steeling herself , she tilted her chin to give him an aloof , autocratic stare .
14 Albert was reading in the library because Mr Morgan was coming to give him an extra Greek lesson and Hepzibah was busy , bustling in and out of the kitchen with no time for Carrie .
15 The script had him deliver a line that was in sharp contrast to most of the seemingly right-wing reactionary statements he was making whenever a camera was n't turning or when a curtain was not up : ‘ Extraordinary theory — you bend a child double in order to give him an upright character . ’
16 As good-luck would have it , he was in a stronger position than usual , because , as he mentioned with one of his quick smiles , the University of Bristol was about to give him an honorary degree , one of the fourteen that he was to accumulate .
17 I honestly do not think my child is encouraged in any way , possibly because his life is short … to take charge of his life and I think this might be giving him an unspoken message that you do n't count .
18 But Sting 's royalty rate was increased , and backdated , giving him an immediate cash payment of some £100,000 .
19 He was the only Ryan to wear glasses , which he was forever pushing higher on his nose , the thick lenses giving him an owlish appearance .
20 He thought she was giving him an unmistakable message of availability .
21 If a thief steals it , you could be giving him an open invitation to your home !
22 You 've given him an adverse marking .
23 Such stories would have made a lasting impression on my father and given him an early interest in Abyssinia .
24 I asked Toby to do me a favour and tell the Fleet Street ‘ dirty mac brigade ’ , who covered crime and other seedy activities , that I had given him an exclusive .
25 He examined himself from head to foot , assessing without vanity the beauty that had once given him an honest pleasure , and he marked without fear the changes that moved in upon him now daily .
26 ‘ He 's run in with more self-belief , ’ he explained , ‘ and that has given him an extra bit of nip to beat the bat .
27 She remembered the evening because his parents had given him an awful sweater for his birthday and between comedy programmes on the television she and Alan thought up alternative uses for an awful sweater .
28 His mother was a Parr , which may have given him an independent entree into Gloucester 's service , but he could equally well have come to the duke 's attention through the Percy connection .
29 His mother was a Parr , which may have given him an independent entree into Gloucester 's service , but he could equally well have come to the duke 's attention through the Percy connection .
30 I 've given him an anti-tetanus injection and told him not to shave over those scratches for the next few days . ’
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