Example sentences of "give him the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Hercules arrived and made a bargain with the King , that if he rescued the girl , he would give him the mares presented to Laomedon by Zeus .
2 I shall give him the figures of refugee applicants for the past three months .
3 And then writing back to this contact i either in New York or in Virginia or wherever it was , saying that it th they would give him the dimensions of the roof , that they could tell him exactly how many slates they 'd need to cover it .
4 These orders will give him the rules for the conduct of debate and committee work .
5 Then you can give him the clothes , right I want the clothes .
6 But a dry shave does n't always give him the results he wants .
7 But a dry shave does n't always give him the results he wants .
8 As fighting on board goes first one way and then the other , the captain strikes Thomas Fox to death with a belaying pin in an access of rage because the boy , genuinely unaware of the seamen 's plotting and almost insensible after hours at the masthead in icy weather , does not give him the names of the conspirators .
9 When his wife died he began to look around for another ; someone who would give him the children he needed .
10 Although on friendly terms with Matthew Boulton before going to Birmingham , he would not give him the details of a cannon ‘ that the Americans have constructed on a new principle ’ .
11 The gist of de Lattre 's message in Washington was that if the US would give him the tools , he would finish the job .
12 ‘ The first 20 minutes will be critical and , the way he kicks , Botha could beat us on his own if we give him the chances , ’ said Carling , whose assessment was backed by pack leader Brian Moore .
13 If this is not practicable , phone the Area Manager or a senior member of his team , and give him the details of your complaint .
14 Give him the passports .
15 You 've thought about it — for maybe a whole five seconds — but before you give him the thumbs up , runs these ten questions by him — it 's better to be safe than sorry .
16 I give him the thumbs-up sign and pointedly ignore him turning once more to the vigorous bucking of the waves .
17 All he had to do now was what she had asked — get to see Steen , give him the photographs and explain that Jacqui was nothing to do with Bill Sweet .
18 I give him the cherries and ate the cake myself .
19 Give him the cherries and ate the cake and then Geoff told him .
20 ‘ There 's a message from Bill , ’ she said , then proceeded to give him the details .
21 It is not enough to give him the facts .
22 " I barked , giving him the scissors .
23 And wh what they did , they carried out this test and they er in American and they erm were giving him the pills .
24 It gave him the creeps from the start .
25 Richard hugged her as she gave him the keys .
26 He had been given curious looks by the person who gave him the directions which show that he was a stranger as he was not recognised .
27 Mayall 's mastery of technical detail and innovation optimized productivity , while the variety of mills under his control gave him the advantages of flexible specialization .
28 She gave him the diaries .
29 ‘ Here it is , sir , ’ I said , and gave him the papers tied inside the cloth .
30 He turned to Robert , gave him the thumbs-up sign , and returned to the study of a complicated diagram .
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