Example sentences of "give [pers pn] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gail Smith writes ‘ The burden God has given me for Albania took root in 1982 the first time I ever heard mention of the country and people .
2 I just think it 's wrong because every day a tiny bit the ground loo looks much much better than if I do n't give them for weeks an they do , well .
3 Quite important , because we only give them for buildings which the public can see .
4 No I do n't , no that was just a nickname they give him for years ago , matter of fact I the other day , I was walking up and he called me , so I took me father 's name you see , nickname , that was .
5 That can mean only that the common agricultural policy is to be reformed in such a way as to take money from the United Kingdom and give it for cohesion to countries outside .
6 There are those who give little of the much which they have — and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gift unwholesome .
7 I might still have the odd tin of some oval golden tablets , big as gooseberries , which we used to give them for worms .
8 I think he was frightened to give it for fear of hurting me . ’
9 What we need to know now is what the Brigadier here is going to give us for lunch .
10 Three days ago she had refused her final chance of giving it for love .
11 She was wearing the huge red skirt she had made out of some curtains someone had sent to the jumble , and a black polo-necked jersey , and she had tied her hair up with the Indian scarf Luke had given her for Christmas .
12 She could find only her chequebook and the small , leather-bound directory Jasper had given her for Christmas and into which , to gratify the child , she had painstakingly copied the addresses and phone numbers of friends accumulated throughout a lifetime .
13 Her family was delighted although Fiona remembers her sister-in-law in America asking anxiously about the kitten James had given her for Christmas .
14 At about four he rang up the number given him for Gerald Seymour-Strachey , but he was answered by a not too refined woman 's voice — a voice with a touch of the treacle tart in it , and a touch of the plain tart as well .
15 I mean , the penknife you gave me for Christmas was very nice but it does n't cut things .
16 I remember when I lost a fountain-pen Mummy and Daddy gave me for Christmas : I prayed and prayed , and I never found it . ’
17 I 'd just like to add that included in the numbers that I gave you for Camco were not just redundancy costs , but costs of closures of sales offices , distribution networks and some other special one-time charges , so it 's not pure redundancy when you look at the numbers that I gave you earlier on .
18 ‘ The one I gave you for Christmas ? ’
19 She was abandoned by her mother when she was a year old , and her father gave her for adoption . ’
20 In a civil action at Wick Sheriff Court , Surria Amin is suing her brother-in-law , Mohammed Hafeez , for the return of money and jewels she says she gave him for safe-keeping pending settlement of her husband 's estate .
21 He jumped down and grabbed one , I ran after him , trod on the screws , fell , hurting my gouty foot and breaking the blue vase Auntie Dolly gave us for christmas .
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