Example sentences of "give [noun] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 " We , the Sandinistas , " he said , " have given Nicaragua this democracy and peace . "
2 At police stations across England and Wales more than two hundred thousand people will be given cautions this year .
3 Whereas his state visits to Washington , London or Bonn had given Ceauşescu enormous status even within Romania , his tireless travelling around the Third World helped to undermine respect for him at home .
4 Now the formula funding , in terms of all the schools in the county concerned , has given schools more responsibility .
5 Given any three consecutive data values , the adjacent values are each given weight one quarter , whereas the middle value , the value being smoothed , is given weight one half .
6 The capture of Calais by Edward III in 1347 had given England virtual control of the Straits .
7 The battalion , which had operated in Namibia and Angola , was composed largely of Angolan rebels who had fought in the Angolan civil war , and also a number of white mercenaries ; its members had since been given South African citizenship .
8 She had to resist a constant urge to glance back over her shoulder to make sure they were not being followed , although she had given fitzAlan enough time to be well ahead of her before starting out .
9 Course that was playing on Angie 's mind see and Miss said she 'd give Jason extra work .
10 Why not give prisoners some reading material called Victim Life , about the suffering they inflicted on others in pursuit of the very ‘ unique needs and interests ’ that put them in prison in the first place ?
11 Well I 'm gon na give Mutty that cake today , just pile them up Do you think twenty four 's enough to do to begin with ?
12 How can we give computers common sense ?
13 This would give Royalbion world-wide publicity and Sir Bryan had decreed that the foreign media should be given the best that Britain could provide .
14 ‘ I hope I can give Gavin some help from my long experience of captaincy if he needs it , ’ he said .
15 Wilko eventually took him off and brought Strandli on — this did nt give Frank enough time to get into the game ( other subs were Lukic and Fairclough ) .
16 ( 1 ) The Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Bill would give blacks equal property rights , and would repeal the Group Areas Act of 1966 , the Land Acts of 1913 and 1936 restricting black farming to 13 per cent of the country , and the Black Communities Development Act , which had provided for the establishment of black townships .
17 Nor , critics pointed out , did it give blacks automatic access to home ownership in previously white areas .
18 In its recent working party discussion document , entitled Freeing Up Small Business Enterprise , the institute points out that the replacement of the present mandatory audit by an annual accountant 's report ‘ would not only give business better value for money but would also reduce the number of small company failures as more time could be devoted to the survival and growth of small business enterprise ’ .
19 Kevin why did you give Michelle that glass cos I did n't wash those glasses , I did n't wash those glasses .
20 The new interface will give applications direct access to objects in Objectivity/DB via the CORBA protocol .
21 Computer-generated information can give workers rich feedback about their own efforts , how they affect others in the production process , and how the entire process can be improved .
22 The warner system will give pilots advance warning of the firing of enemy missiles or anti-aircraft artillery which use laser guidance or ranging systems .
23 This postponement does , however , give organisations more time to make initial preparations , such as researching past projects and liaising with prospective partners .
24 The council says the scheme will give pedestrians greater comfort and safety as well catering for the needs of the disabled .
25 But the signs are that the Essex skipper will give Atherton good news before leading his side against Lancashire in their Sunday League clash .
26 We will give MPs greater influence over the executive by boosting the powers of Select Committees , improving staff backup for backbenchers and increasing financial and civil service support for opposition parties .
27 In addition to predicting the expected date of receipt of the next issue the system will give staff greater control over claims for missing issues and pressmark changes .
28 To heighten comprehension , our information was presented using personal pronouns in deliberately short sentences that explained or avoided technical terms ; awareness could be further enhanced by issuing the information sheets ( customised for specific operations ) during the initial outpatient consultation , which would give patients more time to assimilate the facts .
29 I would see myself as a feminist and a socialist and I think socialism is the only form of just government a just way of running any sort of society , that can give people any sort of dignity .
30 Hopefully , though , it 'll give people some kind of a handle on these issues to use in relation to other films . ’
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