Example sentences of "other [subord] that i " in BNC.

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1 For once in my life there was no need to believe as I did or act as I chose for any reasons other than that I was personally convinced it was right .
2 But other than that I do n't really give a shit . ’
3 I would argue with the author on the merits of the wing-down as opposed to the crab cross-wind landing techniques , and feel that he should have concentrated less on right-hand tractor American rotation engines , but other than that I ca n't fault him , and would class the book as absolutely required for anyone aspiring to be a tailwheel instructor .
4 And having noticed that there is nothing whatever in this ‘ I think , therefore I am ’ which assures me that I say the truth , other than that I see very clearly [ je vois très clairement ] that to think it is necessary to be , I judged that I could take it as a general rule that the things which we conceive very clearly and very distinctly [ que nous concevons fort clairement et fort distinctement ] are all true …
5 ‘ I do n't think I have much else to prove … other than that I want to be the best player in the world .
6 Erm other than that I 'm going to write to .
7 But other than that I got the right .
8 Other than that I wish to make no claims upon you . ’
9 ‘ I 'm not sure what to think , ’ Aubrey said doubtfully , ‘ other than that I hope I am wrong .
10 Other than that I 've got nothing to do .
11 Other than that I 'm gon na do two nights . .
12 Erm other than that I 'd just like to introduce the other speakers .
13 But other than that I do n't think , women did n't do much I mean even in shops , the men were the shop assistants nearly always .
14 Other than that I do disagree with what Juliette was saying .
15 Other than that I want to make just three comments on three important issues which have been raised .
16 I know it 's a bit of tenuous link but there we are — other than that I 've no great claims to knowing any Leeds players
17 And it was n't as effective but other than that I ca n't I do n't have the sort of the detailed information to er to refer to .
18 ‘ It has always been in the family and we know that James Springhall lived in Cargo Fleet Road , but other than that I 'm afraid we do n't know a great deal about him , or his life in Australia . ’
19 other than that I was lost .
20 Other than that I do n't usually break it .
21 that , that , gives you enjoyment , I mean other than that I mean if it 's all pre-planned
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