Example sentences of "other [noun pl] [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 Because women 's work is never done , and underpaid , or unpaid , or boring or repetitious and we 're the first to get the sack , and what we look like is more important than what we do , and if we get raped it 's our fault , and if we get bashed we must have provoked it , if we raise our voices we 're nagging bitches , and if we enjoy sex we 're nymphs and if we do n't we 're frigid , and if we love women it 's because we ca n't get a real man , and if we ask our doctor too many questions we 're neurotic and if we expect the community to care for our children we 're selfish , and if we stand up for our rights we 're aggressive and unfeminine , and if we do n't we 're typical weak females , and if we want to get married we 're out to trap a man , and if we do n't we 're unnatural , and because we ca n't get adequate safe contraceptives , but men can walk on the moon , and we ca n't cope or do n't want a pregnancy we 're made to feel guilty about abortion , and for lots and lots of other reasons we 're all part of the Women 's Liberation Movement .
2 The people of Great Britain were governed , however tortuous and artificial the modalities , upon the authority of an elective institution which for historical and other reasons they were content to regard as representing them .
3 One of the other reasons I 'm here is er , again with the blessing of er Jeff , and Alan , and the other MPs is to try and help the campaign along a little bit and hopefully er have friends from er Central Television who I 've brought along today .
4 For these and many other reasons it is necessary to understand the evolution and behaviour of social insects in both a pure and applied context .
5 Like the other intakes they are a mixture of schoolboy entrants , overseas cadets and ex-soldiers with varying degrees of experience and proficiency in the ranks .
6 Sometimes such attitudes are secondary to a patient 's current mood state ; in other cases they are long-standing and firmly established .
7 In some cases this is true , but in other cases it is not .
8 In other cases it is a combination of circumstances or traumatic events which bring about the troubled state of mind .
9 However , quite apart from the fact that such a statement does not accommodate cases of emergency — cases where the defendant 's unlawful conduct could , unless restrained , cause serious and irreparable harm before trial , as for example where the defendant threatens to cut down a tree in breach of a tree preservation order — in other cases it is usually not so much the flagrancy of the breach as the fact that the defendant intends to persist in offending unless restrained by an injunction , which justifies the invocation of that form of relief : see City of London Corporation v. Bovis Construction Ltd .
10 In other cases it is not true ; for example , a flight will be available in an airline booking system long before it takes place .
11 But in other cases it is a result of historical accidents in the development of the disciplines , and if the study of society were to be initiated all over again it would surely be divided rather differently .
12 In other cases it is possible to substitute progressively pure 13 Co for normal 12 CO in a complex .
13 In other cases it is shaped by personal preference ( e.g. you already feel that you have something specific to say on a particular work ) .
14 In all other cases it is advisable to grant tenants easements to use the facilities in common with the other tenants in the building .
15 In all other cases it is artificial to draw this distinction between : ( 1 ) " issues " where the parties have not taken defined positions ; and ( 2 ) " disputes " or " formulated disputes " where the parties have taken defined positions .
16 But the spokesman said : ‘ In other cases it is thought desirable that they should no longer stay in this country . ’
17 In other cases it was apparent that a new pedestrian population was being tapped as turnover rose markedly on shop opening .
18 Yes now what I meant was that , that erm in a group like this , the the th th the leader or the leadership role may be relatively minimal and the individualism of the members may be relevant , but I hope it was cos I I think it 's a mistake for class in groups and that so one would hope in this kind of group , the individual variation would be so important that these kind of group phenomena that Freud is talking about in this book but clearly in other groups they 're they 're more important , partly because you can never organize a group by kind of having a meeting with everybody .
19 While they generally accepted the legitimacy of Whitehall interventions as ‘ bankers ’ to the industry in the annual investment review , when it came to discussion of other policies they were more likely to complain about the time that Whitehall committees and correspondence pre-empted , and to show impatience with civil service style .
20 No , for both the classical detective story and other forms it is better to try to find a plot that arises from something else you want to write about , a particular sort of person you know , a setting you know or want to find out about , even an idea about life .
21 Renaissance drawings of machines , and even some of those from the eighteenth century , sometimes display an ignorance of how the device must really have worked ; and at other times they are fudged , so that important features can not be seen because the artist did not understand them .
22 At other times they are so vague that almost anything can be interpreted as falling within the guidelines ( rather like the very broad articles of association of a company ) .
23 Sometimes they are keen to have media help in solving a crime , other times they are more reluctant .
24 But , as I say , doctors are slow to start using that so that , whereas sometimes they are overenthusiastic and use too many medicines , at other times they are too slow and too reluctant to start to use new innovations .
25 Sometimes the excess products could be released back onto the market , but at other times they were sold abroad at a loss or simply destroyed .
26 But er and other times we were just we were working to you know , quite late you know if the there was a special job that had to be out you know .
27 In the Sonnets , clearly , the speaker is sometimes placed in a respectful relationship , the disinterested friend advising a brilliant young man to marry ; at other times he is an equal , celebrating a friendship or reproaching its betrayal ; but he is never the superior .
28 At other times he was scornful of anhimsa , non-violence , and he criticised Gandhi and Nehru as ‘ philosophemes ’ inclined to philosophical concepts which weakened the Indian nationalist movement .
29 . He was a cabinet maker and er then the boss and we just all sort of worked You know sometimes we had a quite a lot of work going and other times we would n't have anything and other times you were standing waiting doing nothing , waiting in the job g coming for the cabinet makers who would send through legs , something to get started just as long as we got started to work , maybe it was in a hurry .
30 Other times I am mean and nasty , and there are other times when I have n't got complete control of myself but I do want some sort of discipline .
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