Example sentences of "now and [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the ‘ real resource ’ view a public sector project uses up real resources now and hence the opportunity cost is incurred now in the form of reduced private sector consumption ; in the future , debt interest payments must be paid and the bonds redeemed if they are not perpetual ones .
2 Two thousand tonnes have been loaded now and thankfully no breakdowns .
3 That 's history now and already the planning process is under way to take Canada on to 1995 and the next World Cup , wherever that may be .
4 Yet every now and again a student emerges who shows exceptional talent and it is quite natural that a drama school will make sure that his/her ability is given a good stretch in public with a major role , perhaps playing Hamlet or Hedda Gabler .
5 The costumes were for the most part composed of homespun cloth of native dye , though now and again gay neckerchiefs — the manufacture of the south country — gave liveliness to the head ; while now and again a bright-coloured shawl was pinned across the shoulders of the women .
6 Every now and again a band comes along that completely defies all attempts at fitting into any sort of neat package .
7 By that time there were brothers and a sister playing about the floor of the nursery in Hampstead , and now and again a new baby in the cradle .
8 Now and again a heron will fail to survive the rigours of winter , and occasionally dead birds have been found carrying a numbered metal ring on their leg .
9 Every now and again a thrush would land on the ground exhausted , to be netted and put in with others in a cardboard box .
10 The only people to phone were Joseph and Lily , and now and again a friend of Elaine 's from work .
11 And every now and again a Crossley tender carrying a company of Black and Tans , their guns held at a threatening angle , would butt its way through the press , its progress-retarded — sometimes even brought to a halt — by as unlikely a variety of breakdowns and traffic jams as the doggedly obstructive citizens of Cork could improvise this side of outright rebellion .
12 The flame rose untrembling in the still air ; now and again a persistent insect would fly round , in , round and away .
13 Er every now and again a wee sugar cube .
14 Now and again a shadow would slip out but , seeing Cranston 's long sword , retreat again .
15 Another good idea on waters you know is to spend ten minutes in a swim you have never fished before — I always try and do this and every now and again a post which I have never even considered before has produced the goods .
16 It is even possible that now and again an extra long detour may have caused us to walk below the windows of Braemar Mansions ( ‘ not mansions , ’ wrote Ivy , ‘ but converted out of houses ’ ) , little knowing that there sat the sibyl who would completely have understood all our troubles .
17 Every now and again the forest would be split by a tumbling river or a path covered in shiny brown mud .
18 It was very hard for the Brownies to stay still and quiet on the ground , just gazing up into space , especially when every now and again the circling plane came between them and the sun and cast a strange , dark shadow over them .
19 Every now and again the house would shudder in an after-shock .
20 Every now and again the Institute 's contribution is publicly recognised .
21 Now and again the small boy at her side would look up , and Beth would lean towards him , no doubt answering his lively questions .
22 Every now and again the music would cut for a couple of seconds and there would be some faint , whispered phrase that would haunt its way down the wire , but she could n't make out what was said .
23 Now and again the walkway became even more narrow as a pavement café spilled its chairs and tables upon it , tempting the strolling shopper to stop for refreshment ; here and there a small crowd gathered around a solitary musician or a group of young teenagers singing , the plates at their feet covered in kroner as a testament to their audience 's approval .
24 It seems that every now and again the memory gets so disorganised that Windows goes off to do something about it and hence the frightening silence .
25 Now and again the Lady Francesca asks us to take the good nuns gifts of embroidery . ’
26 That , sort of , it 's got the , it 's one of those sort of days I think when you 've got lots of cloud about broken clouds , so every now and again the sun will come through and light up different areas of the picture .
27 Every now and again the voice comes in .
28 Of course every now and again the hand goes down the side a hand goes down and up comes the sweets and it 's continuous .
29 They read books now and sometimes a few 0& them write poetry .
30 No , I think we understand the subject a little better now and therefore the theory has changed , but some of the practical remains very similar .
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