Example sentences of "now [v-ing] to be " in BNC.

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1 It should be a mounting series of difficulties , only here the difficulties are not major confrontations but small incidents such as a foot caught in a briar root or a gate that has always been open now proving to be locked .
2 But modern culture is now proving to be vulnerable on two counts , one social , one intellectual .
3 The original cause of disaffiliation , ILP control over its parliamentary group , was now proving to be disruptive to the Party .
4 'Twill be well because he is not the real thing , never could be , and is not even now presuming to be ; but conversely , 'twill be well because the imitation , the travesty , of the real thing can also usurp it and to all intents and purposes become it .
5 What the cameras were now discovering and what audiences were now reacting to was Cagney 's own reality , a unique one-off reality or presence , albeit of the kind one hopes to run into whenever entering a New York bar .
6 His earlier much-fabled ‘ ruthless determination ’ and fanatical single-mindedness were now becoming to be regarded as a major liability , and the command to the 6th Army to fight to the last man was seen as its fateful demonstration .
7 Stalingrad was being interpreted as the consequence of what was now becoming to be widely viewed as Hitler 's catastrophic policy and leadership .
8 Perhaps they did n't know that several of the wickedest men had escaped from Germany and were even now pretending to be other people .
9 Mike , now training to be a chartered accountant , was one of the most efficient and respected organizers the London Road has ever seen .
10 Susan Hyland joined the British Foreign Service , while Anne McGivern survived the torturous B.C.L. programme and is now training to be a barrister in Northern Ireland .
11 Debbie Scott ( 19 ) , who is now training to be a hairdresser , says her education suffered because of the emotional upset caused by the bullies .
12 So that I feel that one of the things that we must do is ensure that all people who are now training to be teachers , and those who already in the service , have got to be given more information about the condition so that they may be able to recognise it .
13 This state of affairs has complicated my present task , since what was current when I began thinking about this book a few years ago , and , indeed , when working on earlier drafts of it , is now ceasing to be so .
14 On both products , what we are now going to is an electronic engine .
15 What we 're now going to is electronic fuel injection .
16 With all the new techniques now available , such as twenty-four hour trading and the global marketing of securities , we have been a bit slow to adapt to changes that are now going to be permanent .
17 When the long-awaited Invasion finally started , we were sure that the lives which had been lost were now going to be partly justified , because the boot was definitely on the other foot and the Germans had had it .
18 But should the barrels stay missing for a while , they are not likely to be posing much of a health hazard — at least , not nearly as much as that posed by the tonnes of poison whose storage , legal or otherwise , is now going to be looked into .
19 Furthermore , expenditure in future financial years is now going to be difficult .
20 Is such a level of reliability and degree of assurance now going to be expected in the preparation and audit of annual accounts ?
21 THE £3 billion Channel Tunnel high-speed rail link and the £300 million Heathrow Express line are to go ahead , Chancellor Norman Lamont announced yesterday.But the future of the £1.7 billion cross-London rail link Crossrail appeared less certain with Mr Lamont saying the scheme was now going to be a joint venture between the public and private sectors.The much-delayed 68-mile Channel Tunnel fast link will not go into London 's King 's Cross station as British Rail hoped , but instead will terminate at neighbouring St Pancras — a less expensive option.But Mr Lamont did say that Government money would be put into the scheme which could be completed by the end of the decade.The 15-mile Paddington-Heathrow fast link — a joint venture between BR and airport operator BAA — will be started later this year and should be finished by the second half of 1997 .
22 PERESTROIKA and Glasnost have been the buzzwords coming out of the USSR ( or whatever it is now going to be called ) in recent years and the aviation world too , has been buzzing with exciting words like Fw 190 , Hampden , Hurricane , and Yak-1 .
23 But erm , yes , so I still do n't know what 's happening with that yet , and I 'm waiting also for them to confirm a date for this first sort of Do Business in France seminar , that we 're going to help them with , which was originally going to be February , and is now going to be March .
24 It is now going to be very difficult for the Lions to win this series , although they did come from the same position to win the series four years ago in Australia .
25 is now going to be at the .
26 There would be a few instances where a client may come back a year later and say erm , or not nearly six months later , that thing I told you was not in fact now going to be on .
27 And now a point we have now done that , we have now done one , right that is now going to be dealt with by Simon and introduced by Monica are they going to be dated the day she produces them or what are going to be dated ?
28 Bearing in mind that this is I suppose now going to be one of the performance indicators er that local authorities have got to er publish every year .
29 I thought it was very interesting indeed all the information , and obviously I think one question is which schools are now going to be called in that were n't here before , and will that lead to a better distribution of collection points across the city ?
30 So jewellers can not get their new stock hallmarked and 800,000 articles are now waiting to be examined before they can be put on sale .
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