Example sentences of "now [vb base] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Now make a very loud esss sound and continue the sound slowly until you run out of breath .
2 The old library and conservatory , conveniently linked to the drawing-room , now provide a most attractive setting for a bar and dining area .
3 Although home helps and home care aides now cover a very wide range of duties , payment of voluntary helpers to do specific imaginative tasks outside the range of normal home help duties was not found to diminish the degree of goodwill of informal carers ; rather that was enhanced .
4 Mr Nyers and his reformists now stand a very good chance of becoming the biggest party in the new parliament .
5 In retrospect these concerns now seem a much bolder move , constituting an important political lead which was to be continued in the resistance to the war in South-East Asia in the sixties and early seventies .
6 ‘ We now face an extremely complicated 24 hours , ’ said Mr Urban .
7 But in the Journal of Applied Ecology ( 30 ) , 86–94 ; 1993 ) J. Y. Guo and A. D. Bradshaw now describe an unusually detailed and economically valuable application of the approach to a farming system in China , in which the interactions are complex and the management options are consequently varied .
8 ( b ) Now consider a perfectly fitting inclusion and apply at infinite distance a uniform strain field with stress to the matrix in which the inclusion is held .
9 Leasing obviously still has its dedicated followers , but like many other sectors the boom years of the mid-1980s now look a very long way away .
10 But we now know a little two much for comfort and have to analyse cos we 've got some goal/task to keep us lively .
11 We now know a little more about Clearchus of Soli , thanks to an unusual inscription which was recently published and admirably illustrated by Iouis Robert .
12 Now draw a much more elastic I curve passing through point a .
13 As with the McCallum model , we now present a more formal statement of the Fischer model .
14 I think that 's a minor problem but perhaps architects now pay a little more attention to and that is that , in the afternoon when you like to sit in the evening when you like to sit in the garden in the sunshine you are sitting in the shadow because the house er is between the sun and the garden
15 ‘ Schools and the education system in general now promote a more appropriate book for the child to read . ’
16 ‘ We 're not there yet , of course , but I now detect a completely new enthusiasm , a new belief among the players , ’ he said .
17 The ozone pollution problem may have had a long association with southern California but it has now become a very serious problem in the Texas Gulf coast , the north-east corridor , and other heavily populated regions ( figure 8.11 ) .
18 This has now become a very curious market indeed .
19 Because of that , the CITB has had to introduce various schemes using its own investment to tide it over what it believed at the outset would be a short recession , but which has now become a very deep and long recession .
20 Baling out over Malta had now become a somewhat risky business , as Doug Whitney recalls : ‘ They ( the Maltese ) were so bitter about the bombing that they inclined to treat anyone baling out as an enemy and this became so bad we all carried revolvers to protect ourselves until we could convince them otherwise .
21 This is because the servicing of televisions has now become a relatively simple matter , in that televisions are now constructed similarly and standard units are replaced when repairs are needed .
22 In ‘ The Decline of the English Murder ’ he argued that whereas in the past murder had been a serious business involving strong personal commitments and emotions , it had now become an almost casual affair informed by ‘ the anonymous life of dance-halls and the false values of the American film ’ .
23 Due to social changes , women now play a more prominent role in most societies , and it has become more commonplace for women to be seen drinking .
24 IBM also now offer a more comprehensive multimedia tool called the Audio Visual Connection ( AVC ) .
25 This is a most beautiful residence created with great love and care by the owners , the Vaiani family , who now offer a very warm welcome and generous hospitality .
26 Consequently , they now offer a very wide range of first degree courses , not only in science and technology , business management and art and design , but also in the social sciences and the arts , including such subjects as librarianship , politics and government , humanities and communication studies .
27 So now settle a little .
28 Single ( never married ) women now form a very small proportion of the older working-age groups and a far smaller proportion of the ‘ young elderly ’ female population ( OPCS , 1991 , Table 1.16 ) , p. 14 ) .
29 This is Le Casaline — a collection of low and ancient farm buildings which now form a truly rural retreat .
30 We now take a really big 14K PA out on the road with us .
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