Example sentences of "no [noun sg] that they " in BNC.

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1 Even if the messages were not true ( and she had no hope that they might be true ) at least somebody believed sufficiently in their truth to pay cash for them , to rent hoardings and to put up posters for them , and that in itself offered some kind of alternative : Christianity meant nothing to her , but she was glad that in despite of her mother 's defection , it existed .
2 This , however , is no indication that they have a particularly high opinion of the spiritual contribution of women .
3 There was no indication that they , unlike the aggro leaders , were actively engaged in inciting other fans to join in the scraps or that they led concerted attacks against the opposition .
4 Although the Yugoslavs had so far had no indication that they were being taken to anywhere but another camp , probably in Italy , and therefore McCreery would have observed an operation apparently going smoothly , we think it unlikely that Verney , Rose-Price and others who disliked the fact that Yugoslavs were being repatriated under a misapprehension as to their destination would have failed to ensure that the Army Commander was given a true picture .
5 Some women certainly will sail through menopause with never a hot flush and no problems at all , sadly that 's no indication that they 're not going to have problems from their bones later on .
6 The onus of rebutting the presumption in 5 is not lightly discharged and the fact that shares are expressly made participating as regards either dividends or capital is no indication that they are participating as regards the other — indeed it has been taken as evidence to the contrary .
7 At the moment there 's no indication that they 've done anything , it 's almost as though that particular prescription was .
8 The other rabbit evidently had no fear that they might set upon him , hrair to one , and kill him .
9 The argument was both flattering and convenient — so convenient that the middle classes were inclined to take it over from the aristocrats ( who had long fancied themselves a superior race ) for internal as well as international purposes : the poor were poor because they were biologically inferior and conversely , if citizens belonged to ‘ lower races ’ , it was no wonder that they stayed poor and backward .
10 From the family holiday in Tunisia , to come and stay with Jay — no question that they would be lovers !
11 There might be some question now as to whether they will , but there is no question that they can if they want to .
12 Greenpeace said that the evacuation added strength to its case : " If they can not deal with the non-radioactive materials safely then we have no confidence that they can deal with the highly radioactive spent fuel , " a spokesman said .
13 It is probably no accident that they were to be found in most classes of urban or other settlements and in military vici .
14 Worse still , almost half of those who do suffer from prostate cancer have no urinary symptoms and no inkling that they have anything wrong , until they experience bone pain linked with secondary malignant growth elsewhere in the body , which is likely to cause death within two-and-a-half years .
15 Kirsten proved a fine role model for the impressionable Rhodes throughout the tour , and while on the surface the pair could n't be more contrasting in appearance or temperament , there is no doubting that they shared the same total commitment to their game and country .
16 Just as under Mrs Thatcher , the crucial choices were decided in small committees : although there were open discussions at full cabinet meetings during March , there is no evidence that they changed a jot or tittle of the tax .
17 Herbal remedies : ‘ There is no evidence that they work ’ apart from traditional Chinese medicinal plants in the treatment of childhood eczema .
18 And there is no evidence that they will act any differently now . ’
19 As is well known , chimpanzees can be taught to communicate with sign language , though there is no evidence that they have such a language in their natural state .
20 However , some people have argued that , since hens continue to lay eggs under these conditions , there is no evidence that they need more space .
21 They were rejected in Rochdale , and even in Nottingham , where cases of sexual abuse were upheld , and nine parents were found to have been involved in elaborate and organised abuse , there was no evidence that they did this as part of any satanic rituals or worship .
22 GCSE boss John Edmundson said : ‘ We have no evidence that they have slipped . ’
23 Thus , whilst women who smoke may know that smoking could damage their health , there is no evidence that they experienced smoking as having any immediate impact on their self-perceived strength and fitness .
24 Dr Lesley Hawkins , Director of Services at Surrey University 's Occupational Health Department , has tested ionisers and believes that they can help to relieve asthma and allergies , but there 's no evidence that they can cure diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism .
25 Russian advisers had been involved in border incidents but there was no evidence that they had advanced south of the 38th parallel .
26 There is no evidence that they could have anticipated that the son would intercept the letters under cover of which the legal charge and other documents were forwarded .
27 They were reinstated by the deputy chief constable on the grounds that the investigation by the Police Complaints Authority had produced no evidence that they had removed anything from the Crown Court file .
28 Such clinics burgeoned under the 1991 general practitioner contract , but there is no evidence that they detect or deal with disease more effectively than case finding within ordinary consultations .
29 Tan accelerators claim to speed up production of melanin — the pigment produced by your skin in the sun — but there 's no evidence that they work .
30 Before the elections of 1964 , 1966 , and 1970 , real personal disposable income was rising at more than double its normal rate of growth — so supporting the political business cycle thesis , but Alt suggests that these " short pre-election spurts may not do the government of the day all that much good , and there is no evidence that they do ( at least if short-term enough ) the economy any particular harm " .
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