Example sentences of "more and [adv] by " in BNC.

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1 So if an unexpected rise in demand occurs , they meet it partly by producing more and partly by running down their stocks of finished goods .
2 Both pickups have been screwed directly into the body of the guitar , a device being employed more and more by the rock fraternity , ever in search of yet more sustain .
3 States are not the only actors ; the distinction between domestic and international societies is less clear-cut than before ; and international politics looks to be influenced increasingly less by military factors and more and more by economic issues .
4 There were , of course , adequate Customs shore controls at ports visited , but we were mainly concerned with the more remote areas and anchorages which tended to be used more and more by the various types of oil exploration craft and drilling rigs when sheltering inside our territorial waters .
5 I was struck more and more by the fact that there are comparable celebrations of human brilliance in the most deprived places .
6 The truth of the matter was that even before she had agreed to take over the club she had been plagued more and more by a feeling that she had done all she could do in the music business .
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