Example sentences of "more [adj] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Even more striking with automobiles — there was , I do n't know , just a few thousand automobiles in China , and only the very very rich , who are the bureaucrats and the you see have them .
2 So if , as seems likely , we have to wait a long time for a follow up to the triumphant Glyndebourne production , we should be all the more grateful for occasions like the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra 's concert performance ( sponsored by English Estates ) .
3 In the case of wind machines , for example , larger machines are more cost-effective in terms of wind energy collection but mass production of smaller units may offer substantial economies of manufacturing scale .
4 He said the 19-minute guideline was more understandable for emergencies in isolated areas .
5 A spokesman admitted : ‘ We are more used to councillors asking to rip these things down . ’
6 ‘ In the USA and Canada , ’ he said , ‘ it is far more usual for houses to be tailor made to fit the needs and aspirations of the family who will live in it . ’
7 However , self development and personal interest factors ( eg , to gain confidence or for mental stimulation ) were greater than expected — it is more usual for humanities and social science courses to attract these kinds of comments .
8 The Trislander can rapidly be converted to an all-freight configuration , but it is more normal for seats to be removed towards the rear .
9 ‘ The Klans are toning down the rhetoric to make themselves more palatable to Americans .
10 More palatable to cosmologists would be the possibility that the gas in groups and clusters has become more concentrated than the dark matter .
11 Almost as if to test the political religious alliance of catholic nationalists in the South , the constitutional issue of divorce arose in 1986 as part of Dr Garret FitzGerald 's constitutional crusade ( see Cooney 1986 ) to make the Southern state more palatable to Northerners .
12 Nevertheless , cattle are enemies of grass in that it is still true that an individual grass plant would be better off not being eaten by a cow than being eaten , and any mutant plant that possessed , say , a chemical weapon that protected it against cows , would set more seed ( containing genetic instructions for making the chemical weapon ) than rival members of its own species that were more palatable to cows .
13 Overfertilization by nitrogen may also make trees more palatable to insects .
14 The trend was driven by the need to cut costs through regional consolidation and by the prospect of changes in the banking regulations which would make it easier and more profitable for banks to operate across state lines .
15 Higher demand for credit will drive up interest rates , making it more profitable for banks to supply more credit .
16 If they are priced in dollars , D-Marks or some other foreign currency , they will now earn more pounds and will therefore be more profitable for exporters .
17 Wyatt et al found gastric metaplasia to be more extensive in patients with Helicobacter pylori ( H pylori ) associated gastritis than in patients without H pylori infection .
18 Gastric metaplasia seemed to be significantly more extensive in patients with microscopic evidence of chronic or active duodenitis ( 23% ) in comparison with histologically normal mucosa ( 13% ) ( p=0.02 ) .
19 By this stage , the pursuer 's agents ought to be prepared for Proof and ought , therefore , to be more receptive to arguments concerning actual weaknesses in their case than may have been true at an earlier stage .
20 He also noted that the effects of a left hemisphere lesion may be more devastating in terms of its effect on language than even total left hemispherectomy ( Smith , 1974 ) .
21 Whereas in much of eastern Europe , which was moving in the same direction , enserfment seems to have been the response of a very powerful nobility to a labour shortage ( made more acute in areas responding to the growing Western market for grain ) , in Russia the State clearly played a greater role .
22 ( It is more specific about arrangements in the Metropolitan Police District ) .
23 You must take a more mature , philosophical view of the world and you 'll be less quick to condemn and more tolerant of others .
24 Other genes change at a higher rate , presumably because natural selection is more tolerant of variations in them .
25 The researcher conducting this case ( Wobbe-Ohlenburg 1982 ) comments that much of the publicity about using robots in factories emphasises the way in which they can make life more pleasant for humans by taking over the dirty , dangerous , or monotonously repetitive jobs .
26 Reducing the emphasis on ‘ selling him up ’ and making it more possible for creditors ' claims to be met out of a debtor 's future income was one of the main objectives of the Insolvency Law Review Committee chaired by Sir Kenneth Cork which was appointed by the Government in 1977 and reported in 1982 .
27 At night my fields are more alive with poachers than rabbits .
28 Now , the colours of the monarch are bright gold , and ethologists suspect that the bright coloration evolved to make the monarch more memorable to birds .
29 You need to be more direct in negotiations .
30 Most of the games on the market would be more popular with boys , e.g. football , or science fiction adventure , and little effort has been made to provide games of more general interest .
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